Is personal space a hick thing?

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
I've had two people today crowd right up on me here to talk about stuff. They come on my side of the desk and stand within 2-3 feet of me and stare. What is that? I can't deal with that. Usually just don't answer the questions and they go away unsatisfied.

Oh well, shouldn't have crowded in. That's like charging the mound. Confrontational. If they were younger than me, I'd counter by moving toward their face. But it's elders. Supposed to respect elders, but I never had any get that close.

Is this how people are? Just right up on you, is that normal? I can smell their breath, the deodorant they use, everything. Way too intrusive.
Oh well. They'll eventually go away like most everyone else has. I have always either scared people off or made them think I was too stupid to answer their questions so they learn to stay away.

I'm good with e-mail or written documentation. Face to face, meetings and telephone calls will get you nowhere. If school didn't have books and written examples, I would have gotten a 0% on every assignment.

Talking is only for nonsense chatter. The weather, sports, politics. Not serious business.
A lot of personal space is required among hicks (red necks) due to that ever-present body aroma.:p
Yeah, a lot of them don't bathe too often for some reason. They're gonna have to call me a city slicker on that, because I have to take a shower every morning. I can't stand any longer than that with filth and oils accumulating. Grease is for potato chips and hamburgers. I don't want to be covered with grimy old shit.

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