Is rifle a racist like the rest of them?


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
I remember when I played ball. Had three big colored guys on the team, 6 foot 3, 6 foot 3, and 6 foot 5. None of them could tie their shoe strings, much less dunk a basketball. 4 white guys started and the 6 foot 5 guy, but he was always in foul trouble. Best part of having an integrated team was taking the bus up to clay county. First time most of them ever seen an African American person. They called us all the N word, including me since I had the fro back then. Would rifle had been like the boys of Clay? I hope not, but I'm not sure.
When I was a little kid, I would go to visit an aunt and uncle who lived in Gauley Bridge. On Sunday, they would take me with them on a drive to Clay.

I never understood why. There wasn’t even an ice cream stand there and I wanted ice cream.
When I was a little kid, I would go to visit an aunt and uncle who lived in Gauley Bridge. On Sunday, they would take me with them on a drive to Clay.

I never understood why. There wasn’t even an ice cream stand there and I wanted ice cream.
I lived on school house hill as a kid, playing ball there until I was almost 16, prior to hitting the portal and playing for Fayetteville High in 76 and 77. Guys I played with at Gauley Bridge finished runner up for state championship in football and basketball in '77, and we almost won the the class AA baseball championship in '75.

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