It was nice


Platinum Buffalo
Dec 25, 2007
I had the opportunity to attend the Marshall - Coastal football game on Saturday. It was the first time I had seen a live game or been back to Huntington in probably more than a decade.

Not surprisingly, the road between Charleston and Huntington is still under construction. Must be a hundred year project because I never remember a time the roads in that area were whole.

I did a quick drive around the campus. Lots of new stuff and lots of changes. When I looked at the students, I wondered if I could have ever been that young. I also noticed that a number of buildings I remembered are not there anymore.

There was a good tailgating crowd, but I didn’t have any problem walking up to the ticket window and buying a ticket. Prices were of course higher than the last time I was there. Same with concessions.

Before I entered the stadium, I wandered around the various tents and tailgaters looking for Herd Nation people. No one was lying on the ground drunk and throwing up so I guess none of you guys made it to the game. Sorry I missed you.

The game was a good one. I’m ashamed to admit that I cheered for the wrong team for the first five minutes. I was on sensory overload and I’m half blind so the teal and white uniforms that Coastal were wearing looked like green and white to me. I wondered why our green had become so faded.

Marshall was hot and cold and the outcome was in doubt right up to the end. One thing that hasn’t changed is people leaving in the 4th quarter even though it was still a close exciting game. One other thing that hasn’t changed is the bathrooms. Come on, Marshall. You can erect a new multi million dollar scoreboard and can’t spring for some new urinals?

We won, I stopped at Menards and bought a window, and the trip home was uneventful. I had a good time.
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I had the opportunity to attend the Marshall - Costal football game on Saturday. It was the first time I had seen a live game or been back to Huntington in probably more than a decade.

Not surprisingly, the road between Charleston and Huntington is still under construction. Must be a hundred year project because I never remember a time the roads in that area were whole.

I did a quick drive around the campus. Lots of new stuff and lots of changes. When I looked at the students, I wondered if I could have ever been that young. I also noticed that a number of buildings I remembered are not there anymore.

There was a good tailgating crowd, but I didn’t have any problem walking up to the ticket window and buying a ticket. Prices were of course higher than the last time I was there. Same with concessions.

Before I entered the stadium, I wandered around the various tents and tailgaters looking for Herd Nation people. No one was lying on the ground drunk and throwing up so I guess none of you guys made it to the game. Sorry I missed you.

The game was a good one. I’m ashamed to admit that I cheered for the wrong team for the first five minutes. I was on sensory overload and I’m half blind so the teal and white uniforms that Costal were wearing looked like green and white to me. I wondered why our green had become so faded.

Marshall was hot and cold and the outcome was in doubt right up to the end. One thing that hasn’t changed is people leaving in the 4th quarter even though it was still a close exciting game. One other thing that hasn’t changed is the bathrooms. Come on, Marshall. You can erect a new multi million dollar scoreboard and can’t spring for some new urinals?

We won, I stopped at Menards and bought a window, and the trip home was uneventful. I had a good time.
Love it! Thanks for sharing!

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