It's ironic....

We all have to go sometime. I don't why people even worry about this stuff.

Reality: You are going to get old and die. Well, you might not even get to the old part.
does anyone with common sense want to explain to BC why he is an absolute fool to post this?

Mr. Brainwashed:

All of that research came, as the article points out, from embryonic stem cell research. Do you want to know what stopped (and continues to) embryonic (not to be confused with adult stem cell) stem cell research? Religion- namely, Christianity!

Your fearless leader, Georgie bush, repeatedly cut funding and vetoed legislation whixh severely stunted the development of embryonic stem cell research. He did this due to his religious beliefs and pressure from Christian wallets.

You want to talk about ironic? Irony is a theist trying to argue that my claim that religion has been a huge stunt to the development of mankind is wrong by using an article showing how embryonic stem cell research is a huge benefit to civilization. Actually, that isn't irony. That is stupidity.

Thanks for proving my point with that article. If not for religion freezing the ability to continue embryonic stem cell research, we would be decades of years ahead right now.

That is just one example.
Mr. Going to get old, bald, and die:

This thread was intended as a joke. Have fun getting old and dying.
I'm going to get old, bald, and die? Wow. There is a shocking revelation you guys brought to this discussion.

I'm missing the humor of the intended joke in this thread.
I don't agree with rifle on much of anything but I do here. BC your attempt at "humor". Was an epic fail.
Crime would really go up. After living to be 200 years old, at least 86% of people would be so bored with life that they would steal and kill just for fun. Maybe even sooner once the mounting tension of overcrowding was in full swing everywhere.

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