It's Official: Obama is Least Effective President Ever

IMO this is basically the way Obumma wanted it. He was able to govern through executive order (media generally ignored) while still being able to blame everyone else for an "ineffective" Congress when his "progressive" actions (thousands of executive orders and thousands of additional regulations) continued to bog shit down.
IMO this is basically the way Obumma wanted it. He was able to govern through executive order (media generally ignored) while still being able to blame everyone else for an "ineffective" Congress when his "progressive" actions (thousands of executive orders and thousands of additional regulations) continued to bog shit down.

That is what liberals and snow flakes do. Blame everyone else.
Oh.....the irony

Not my fault he's an arrogant, condescending, ass who refused to reach across the aisle.

No, you guys are morons. 1. It's not Obama's job to cater to conservatards. 2. You small government malarkey brains are complaining about the government not passing enough bills. Think about that....Oops....I'm suggesting the impossible.
Let's be clear, I'm glad more of his bullsh*t agenda didn't pass. Kudos for Congress for bogging things down after the first mid-term elections. What's more, most of what he has done will be easily overturned (i.e., the unilateral executive order bombardment that is his primary legacy) or repealed (bye-bye Obamacare), leaving even less of an impact. Which brings us back to the initial point, which you blatantly ignored (as is typical) - that he is the least effective POTUS ever. In the history of this country. Sucks to be in charge for 8 years with nothing to show for it but division, strife, and a terrible economy and job market.
Lol. Typical Greed. Ignore the message and attack the messenger. Guess that's what you do when you can't refute the indisputable truth of a matter.

You're a moron since you make accusations of terrible economy and job market, while ignoring what Obama inherited from the last great con president.
Prove it flash.

since you obviously haven't put me on ignore (after the fact). here is some info i found. please explain the "10 million jobs" you keep touting...

Alan Krueger, of Princeton and a top advisor to Obama, and Lawrence Katz of Harvard, released in September a study of job growth from 2005-2015. In the report you will find a lot of interesting findings, but my guess is the actual document will be too complex for you to read (I'll link it anyway in case you want to give it a shot).

Some of the findings:

94% of jobs created during the time period were what they refer to as "alternative work arrangement positions". This group, which includes things like part time workers, people who obtain work though temp agencies, contract labor, folks like Uber drivers, etc., increased from 35% of the workforce in 2006 to 40% in 2010. Essentially, 94% of jobs created were not what we think of as regular jobs in the traditional sense. It wasn't a guy graduating school and getting a job with Marathon, or a girl graduating college and getting a job with Goldman Sachs.

This data was confirmed in a number of ways, the most interesting to me being by taking data from IRS tax filings.

During the studied time frame only 1,000,000 jobs were added for women. Interestingly though, jobs for US born females had a net decline during the period with all job growth coming to foreign born women. Now the study does not distinguish whether those women were from Canada or Mexico, or legal or illegal, but I'll let you draw your own conclusions there.
Jobs created under bush.....2 million

Jobs created under obama....11 million

Draw your own conclusion.
President Obama was the one that started the acrimony btwn Executive and congressional dpmts when he said "Elections have consequences" and then completely ignored the other side in almost everything. The last president we had that truly worked with the other side was President Clinton. Was not a big fan of him, but he did understand what the word compromise meant.

This is the main thing I like about soon to be President Trump. He has been a businessman for his whole adult life. He knows what the word compromise means. If both the reps and dems in congress can start to understand that we might get somewhere. If not this country is truly screwed.
I know what you're talking about. That moron crossed the line and is therefore on the no fly list and has been for some time. Now then, you're still a moron.

Funny we were conversing after I posted that thread. The irony (apparently a word you like) is that I had been making a concerted, conscious effort to be more respectful of you on this board. I hadn't called you Greed in months, quit participating in the making fun of Scientology threads, etc. If you put me on ignore (which I doubt you did) it sure was odd timing.
It's like talking to a retard . . .


Let me give you a real example of conservaretards. In 1999, the rate of alternative work arrangement workers was 10.3%. In 2005 the percent had risen to 10.7.The information posted in andy's post above says that the percentage was 35% in 2006. That would require an over the year percentage increase of 24%. BLS has this data. Look it up.
Let me give you a real example of conservaretards. In 1999, the rate of alternative work arrangement workers was 10.3%. In 2005 the percent had risen to 10.7.The information posted in andy's post above says that the percentage was 35% in 2006. That would require an over the year percentage increase of 24%. BLS has this data. Look it up.

This is funny. You usually completely ignore the BLS data. Specifically the U6 report which points directly at work force participation.

Anyway.....BLS VS IRS = apples vs oranges data.

BLS is usually "survey" driven. Much like the polling which gave Hillary double digit "leads", BLS is highly variable and can be easily taken out of context due to "seasonal" adjustments and historical monthly revisions which seem to never end. BLS surveys are used to drive media spin and political talking points. You really need to keep up with the revisions and understand the month to month adjustments to gain much value from it.

IRS data is most likely the most accurate yearly data when it comes to this worker status/part time discussion.

Again, a real business owner who isn't asleep at the wheel would understand why this is the case.
You contards still believe 94% of Obama jobs are alternative work arrangement jobs? Believing that kind of garbage data is what results in people like Cheetos being elected to the highest office. When are you college educated 'tards going to start using that education?
The working spoke this election. That is for sure. The heart land spoke and real America spoke.
Well, I'm certain the numbers in this study were fabricated by the conservative bastions that are Harvard and Princeton Universities . . . :rolleyes:

It requires a really "special" type to believe that 94% of Obama's job creation was alternative working arrangements. 'grats.
I'm not buying that 94% number, and granted that is not a data-driven opinion. I've seen a lot of new jobs around here the past few years. Now, they could be moving from other areas, but there are jobs out there.

What concerns me is the pay. It is the rare new job here that pays above $15 an hour. The good old days are not coming back.
I read an article a couple days ago that said 47% of Obama jobs created under Obama since January 2010 paid $58,000 or more. Don't k ow how to factcheck this.
I am just talking about what I see around here. Louisville used to be a pretty great manufacturing town, with lots of good paying union jobs. Now even Ford starts at $15 an hour. On the flip side, the air here was downright toxic when I was a kid and now it is a lot better.
I read an article a couple days ago that said 47% of Obama jobs created under Obama since January 2010 paid $58,000 or more. Don't k ow how to factcheck this.
you read a lot of foolishness don't you cabinet boy