Ivy League and Most of These Colleges Are Overrated.

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Can you imagine going to Columbia or one of these other fancy schools and a bunch of Hamas terrorist supporters out there blocking your way to class? Can't get to the library or dorm because some idiot spoiled agitator commie is out there in the way? Better of just to go the local community college and get a better education and save some money.

The education system is broken in this country and especially higher education. Glad I went to Marshall and graduated with my 2.68 GPA. I am doing better than most of those Ivy League weirdos.

Why don't some good old boys just go in there and teach them a lesson.
Why don't some good old boys just go in there and teach them a lesson.
Here's what happens to those "good old boys"...
It is broken. You learn more from experience rather than college. The more experience I get the more I realize that maxim. Here is one truth that is ignored on all of these college campuses but is as plain as the nose on your face:

It is broken. You learn more from experience rather than college. The more experience I get the more I realize that maxim. Here is one truth that is ignored on all of these college campuses but is as plain as the nose on your face:

Ivy League colleges are a networking opportunity.

In specialized, graduate programs they can (but not necessarily be) a lot better. For undergrad I don’t think the actual quality of education is extremely different. But the networking is.
Ivy League educations are far more than experienced based or for networking. Their overall education is immensely better than institutions like Marshall.
Ivy League colleges are a networking opportunity.

In specialized, graduate programs they can (but not necessarily be) a lot better. For undergrad I don’t think the actual quality of education is extremely different. But the networking is.
Who cares? Who would want to even live up there? Network with who? A bunch of elitists? Stuffy suits or people who support ISIS? Would not even want to be around them.
Ivy League colleges are a networking opportunity.

In specialized, graduate programs they can (but not necessarily be) a lot better. For undergrad I don’t think the actual quality of education is extremely different. But the networking is.
This. And I’ve taken courses at both Marshall and Harvard (and passed at both). The material is the same but the professors are much more known in their field. That said, they are usually a bunch of stuffy libs but you can’t deny what it adds to resume
They are better if you are already smart to begin with. An average student will probably end up learning less at Harvard than they would at Marshall because the concepts will move too fast and the discussion is too high level.

This is why things like quotas and affirmative action are horrible for top institutions. Only the very top students can benefit and be successful. You are just setting up people to fail if they aren’t really qualified, or you kill your advantage of being able to educate smart kids because you have to dumb down the courses.

Top schools don’t make students smart, they just have the curriculum to make sure smart kids are challenged.
Ivy League educations are far more than experienced based or for networking. Their overall education is immensely better than institutions like Marshall.
There is a large gradient of universities between Harvard and Marshall.

Who cares? Who would want to even live up there? Network with who? A bunch of elitists? Stuffy suits or people who support ISIS? Would not even want to be around them.
Anyone who wants to get into business or politics so yes basically what you said.
There is a large gradient of universities between Harvard and Marshall.

Anyone who wants to get into business or politics so yes basically what you said.
Not me. Marshall or any college is bad enough. They are all being exposed. Too much money. Rising cost. You could learn what you need to in at least half the time, if not less. The whole thing is a deck of cards. Work hard bust you ass and you will do just fine. Ivy League education and a bunch of agitators up there blocking campus.
Who cares? Who would want to even live up there?
Ithaca is beautiful and a solid college town. Hanover is beautiful. Providence is solid and close enough to big cities. I’m not a fan of NYC, but there is a reason why so many people love it. Cambridge is expensive but cool. Philadelphia is one of my least favorite major cities. I was in New Haven in December or January, and no complaints other than it is in Connecticut.

You’d like both Ithaca and Hanover. Have never been to Princeton.
This. And I’ve taken courses at both Marshall and Harvard (and passed at both). The material is the same
The expectations and competition are far higher.

An average student will probably end up learning less at Harvard than they would at Marshall because the concepts will move too fast and the discussion is too high level.

So we have one person saying that the material is the same, yet another saying the concepts and discussion are too fast/advanced.

Why don’t you guys huddle up, agree on a common argument, then repost.

They are better if you are already smart to begin with.
I disagree. A person who is motivated would have great advantages from going there. A rising tide lifts all ships, and the same applies for a motivated person.

Too many times, I’ve seen an outmatched but motivated athlete or business person end up succeeding simply by being motivated and learning from the intelligence/success of others. The same applies to academics.
I saw where these Terrorists Supporters(and Democrat operatives obviously) are blocking Jewish students from entering the library at UCLA. You know California, the utopia of enlightenment. Why do the authroities tolerate this shit? Segregation? What's nextt? They have to wear the Star of David?

They wouldn't block me if I tried. They were asking people are you a Zionist? And, you have to have wrist band.

If they asked me, I would say I am an old black Irish hillbilly and your scrawny raghead loving ass is about to get run over. Why do people back down from these punks?
This is about Mush Brain and the left needing the Muslim vote and then they get these other brains of mush(not the current POTUS who is a Mush Brain) and warp their spoiled brat ass minds. The Dems don't care if they ruin the country in the process.
Back when standardized test scores mattered (more) I think it was different.

To get into these places you had to be elite in a lot of ways. It wasn't necessarily that you learned more there, it was the fact that you passed through admissions and got in...that there was a signal that the kid may have it together.

For hard sciences I’m not convinced they’re getting better educations than say high level state schools like Michigan or say UVA or Wisconsin. Lots of great engineering schools out there too.

The connections there are still unrivaled.

I'm more than happy to live well in flyover country, but to be upper class (say top 10% of "wealth" or income) on the coast there is arguably nothing better than an Ivy degree to help make that happen. It's not my jam (and to be honest there's no way out of high school I was getting in...I chose a full scholarship instead of paying for more prestigious schools I did get into though), but it is what it is.
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Who cares? Who would want to even live up there? Network with who? A bunch of elitists? Stuffy suits or people who support ISIS? Would not even want to be around them.

My cousin went to Cornell, it's quiet farmland but I imagine the winters can be brutal.

Network with elitists? Yes! I know plenty of former classmates who went to institutions to extend and renew networking their families had established.
It also, sadly, gives them more of a pass when it comes to academic standards (that and a hefty checkbook). But as said, if you aren't knocking your teeth out with rock trying to brush them, you're most likely in.

Doubtful the prior generation supports what's going on, at least like what we are seeing. In my opinion, the new generation, like many things, support causes because it's a trend over actually knowing anything about them.
The greed for social connection is a cognitive mismanagement of our own selves.
Sure, if you talk to them on the surface they'll just parrot back memes they shared...most of which were fact checked to be completely bullshit. You give them a little depth in discussion you realize they are clueless.

You may not want to be around those types of Ivy League people, but given their connections, you certainly would want to know them.

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