Jeb Bush wins

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
Trump won't get the 1,237. The snobs don't want Cruz either. Kasich ahhh, nobody cares about him. Rubio's a little kid. This thing is going to the contested convention, and Jeb Bush will be declared the nominee.

Somehow, I just thought about when Troy State played at Montana in the '96 playoffs. 70-7 the Griz. Gonna be 70-7 The Hill. Well, more like 28-21 but she's gonna win while we're left to either vote for another pitiful ass RINO or just stay home.
I think I will just stay home. can't bring myself to vote for that bitch and if they put a token RINO in there they can forget my support.
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I think I will just stay home. can't bring myself to vote for that bitch and if they put a token RINO in there they can forget my support.

Personally I've never fully understood this position. This is what specifically handed us the last 4 years of Obumma. I haven't fit exactly into the exact "repub" mold for years, but no way in hell I refuse to participate in the process due to emotional bitterness.
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This is the craziest thing I have ever seen. The GOP elite doesn't mind to lose the election, as long as Trump isn't the nominee. It is almost like they are ashamed of the monster they built.

Anyone that calls Jeb Bush a RINO is batshit crazy. He is a BUSH, for Christsake. It doesn't get much more Republican than a Bush. You rubes bought the bullshit. Hook, line, and sinker.
It doesn't get much more Republican than a Bush. You rubes bought the bullshit. Hook, line, and sinker.

What does this mean?

In the category of fiscal conservatism, the Bushes have all sucked. From 41's no new taxes lie to 43's massive wasting of money. And now this new lower energy Bush comes with all of that plus welcoming with open arms however many Mexicans want to come in and work in his buddies' businesses.

He's OK with paying them a nickel and hour and signing them up for EBT. Expand the spending, expand the welfare, expand the melting pot of garbage just to make his portfolio look pretty.

Still, if he's the nominee I will end up voting for him. In '08 and '12, my vote was really more against Obama than for McCain and Romney. This year it'll be against Hillary. She's gonna win, but I want to be counted as having voted against her. Just like I rooted for the Suns against Michael Jordan.
I read an article just the other day that ranked modern presidents according to how conservative they were. W was ranked the most conservative.
Probably being a war hawk and giving lip service to evangelicals bolstered that ranking.

All I care about is the money. W spent like a drunken sailor just like his daddy. I'd rather have a president that lets the people keep and spend their own money instead of ripping it off and wasting it how they see fit. It's our money. We should get to waste it.
Probably being a war hawk and giving lip service to evangelicals bolstered that ranking.

All I care about is the money. W spent like a drunken sailor just like his daddy. I'd rather have a president that lets the people keep and spend their own money instead of ripping it off and wasting it how they see fit. It's our money. We should get to waste it.

He gave you 2 tax cuts. How did his spending affect your pay check?
He kicked the can down the road. He's the one who started all that. Obama picked it up and continues running with it. Thus,

Could have been bigger without wasting money. How much, I don't know. Even if it's a nickel, that's a nickel he shouldn't have wasted.

I finally wasted some money myself, because I didn't know what else to do with it. But I wasted it on what I wanted to waste it on. It was mine so that was my right. Who thinks it's right to waste other people's money? Apparently these politicians, no matter what party they're in.
Stick and spoon warfare, bailouts, handouts, idiotic studies and the expansion of many bureaus of nothingness.
Probably being a war hawk and giving lip service to evangelicals bolstered that ranking.

All I care about is the money. W spent like a drunken sailor just like his daddy. I'd rather have a president that lets the people keep and spend their own money instead of ripping it off and wasting it how they see fit. It's our money. We should get to waste it.
All I care about is the money. W spent like a drunken sailor just like his daddy.

As did Saint Reagan.

That's why I say you folks are rubes. They sucker some of you with the Jesus stuff, others with the teabagger stuff, others with guns...all the while they rack up the credit card, cut your taxes a tiny bit while giving the Super Rich and corporations billions, bring in foreigners to work, fvxk everyone with "free trade", etc. The Bush family is a very powerful part of this elite. Kissing the goddamn King of Saudi Arabia.
cut your taxes a tiny bit while giving the Super Rich and corporations

My, how times have changed. It wasn't long ago we were told GWB was raising taxes on the small guy and intentionally ignoring the across the board tax cuts. And how exactly was money "given" to the super rich? I hear that thrown around a lot but no one can ever explain exactly the process of the "give" part.

fvxk everyone with "free trade",

This guy really knew what fvcking was............

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is signed into law by President Bill Clinton.
Stick and spoon warfare, bailouts, handouts, idiotic studies and the expansion of many bureaus of nothingness.

You supported the stick and spoon warfare until lately.
The bail out... bailed you out too.

As for handouts, idiotic studies, and expansion of bureaus of nothingness, let's see some specifics.

I see you didn't mention those tax cuts as an expense. Why is that?
You supported the stick and spoon warfare until lately.

Never. I have posted on here for years always in adamant disdain for this kind of warfare. You either bomb the hell out of whoever it is or you don't go. That's always been my way.
Never. I have posted on here for years always in adamant disdain for this kind of warfare. You either bomb the hell out of whoever it is or you don't go. That's always been my way.

You supported the war, regardless of method.

As for handouts, idiotic studies, and expansion of bureaus of nothingness, let's see some specifics.

I see you didn't mention those tax cuts as an expense. Why is that?
My, how times have changed. It wasn't long ago we were told GWB was raising taxes on the small guy and intentionally ignoring the across the board tax cuts. And how exactly was money "given" to the super rich? I hear that thrown around a lot but no one can ever explain exactly the process of the "give" part.

This guy really knew what fvcking was............

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is signed into law by President Bill Clinton.

I've always maintained the Clintons are GOP Lite.

"Give": not paying a fair share for the infrastructure and military protection that makes possible their profits. " Give": encouraging American companies to move jobs and even headquarters to places that would be on fire if not for the American military, so they can benefit from those low taxes in places that don't pay their own share for their protection. Etc. "Give": starting an unnecessary war to profit a few large global companies.

This is not the Republican Party of Abe.
When? Provide me the specifics. I'll provide them for you right here. Never.

I'm all or nothing. Everybody knows that.

You supported the war while it was going on. You may have preferred a nuke, but you supported the war.
No I didn't. Waste of time and money if you're not bombing the hell out of them. I've always said that, always will. Stick and spoon warfare, and I've bitched about it for years. Never stood for, supported, whatever stick and spoon warfare.

Back since the days we used to circle the airport here with 06, Raoul, rifle and others, I always said to hell with it either land or crash the damn plane.

All or nothing. You've heard of all or nothing, haven't you? I've never known anyone who believes in it more than me. If you're not going all the way, you might as well stay home.
  • Like
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Why didn't you mention those tax cuts as an expense?
Yeah, the way it was going to be fought. I knew it would be a stick and spoon waste of time and money. If he was going to bomb the hell out of them, I'd say go for it. This stick and spoon bullshit is just like pissing in the wind. You're paying for the war, yet accomplishing nothing. Huge waste. I have never supported that.

Tax cuts are not an expense. Letting me keep something that should have never been taken in the first place is not a Christmas present.
Yeah, the way it was going to be fought. I knew it would be a stick and spoon waste of time and money. If he was going to bomb the hell out of them, I'd say go for it. This stick and spoon bullshit is just like pissing in the wind. You're paying for the war, yet accomplishing nothing. Huge waste. I have never supported that.

Tax cuts are not an expense. Letting me keep something that should have never been taken in the first place is not a Christmas present.

Once again, you might have wished to nuke the terrorists, but you supported going to war.
Nope. Knew it would be a waste and it has been.

Obama is right on the war. Might as well skimp on defense and appear weak, because that's the reality. At least Obama's way doesn't cost as much in money and lives as pretending to be a hawk and then proceeding like a chicken.
Just like when thieves have to pay back what they stole. They call it an expense. Already counted their stolen chickens.
Just like when thieves have to pay back what they stole. They call it an expense. Already counted their stolen chickens.

The government has to have revenue, particularly during a war. The Bush tax cuts were an expense to the country to the tune of about 2 TRILLION.
How did it affect your paycheck?

This whole thing is a big airport circling waste. I believe in lower taxes, lower spending, only going to war when we must obliterate the opposition. Do it fast, do it cheap, do it big. Drawing it out with these hippie tactics is way too expensive. A wasteful luxury for people who feel sorry for stray cats and dogs.

No matter who we elect, they will waste a bunch of money. I'll vote for the one I believe will waste less. The one who promises to waste more will win.

This is the game.
Personally I've never fully understood this position. This is what specifically handed us the last 4 years of Obumma. I haven't fit exactly into the exact "repub" mold for years, but no way in hell I refuse to participate in the process due to emotional bitterness.
well I am thinking about it to be honest. I am sick and tired of RINO giving us Mcain and Dole. I am no Trump fan but if he gets close and they pull this I am going to be furious. I mean the only reason Kasich is still in the race is to try to screw Trump. The GOP is acting as shady as the Dems and I don't like it. I'll take my chances with Trump he will be wayyyyyyy better than our current self appointed Dictator.
How did it affect your paycheck?

This whole thing is a big airport circling waste. I believe in lower taxes, lower spending, only going to war when we must obliterate the opposition. Do it fast, do it cheap, do it big. Drawing it out with these hippie tactics is way too expensive. A wasteful luxury for people who feel sorry for stray cats and dogs.

No matter who we elect, they will waste a bunch of money. I'll vote for the one I believe will waste less. The one who promises to waste more will win.

This is the game.

Your trumpenstein will waste 10 TRILLION DOLLARS in tax cuts mostly to the wealthy. That's the same thing as SPENDING that money. He's taking it from the country and giving it to the rich. You haven't done any research on your candidate. You just listened to his loud mouth.
well I am thinking about it to be honest. I am sick and tired of RINO giving us Mcain and Dole. I am no Trump fan but if he gets close and they pull this I am going to be furious. I mean the only reason Kasich is still in the race is to try to screw Trump. The GOP is acting as shady as the Dems and I don't like it. I'll take my chances with Trump he will be wayyyyyyy better than our current self appointed Dictator.

He would be one of the, if not the worst president in the history of this nation.
10 TRILLION DOLLARS in tax cuts mostly to the wealthy. That's the same thing as SPENDING that money.

No it isn't. It's the same as not stealing it in the first place.

We're getting down to the nitty gritty here now. Getting back at the rich is what this is all about. Even to just piss their money away foolishly. All for revenge.
No it isn't. It's the same as not stealing it in the first place.

We're getting down to the nitty gritty here now. Getting back at the rich is what this is all about. Even to just piss their money away foolishly. All for revenge.

When you have to borrow the money from other countries to give tax cuts, you are SPENDING THE MONEY.
well I am thinking about it to be honest. I am sick and tired of RINO giving us Mcain and Dole. I am no Trump fan but if he gets close and they pull this I am going to be furious. I mean the only reason Kasich is still in the race is to try to screw Trump. The GOP is acting as shady as the Dems and I don't like it. I'll take my chances with Trump he will be wayyyyyyy better than our current self appointed Dictator.

The thing is...this is always been a part of the convention process. I wasn't a fan of Mccain or Dole either but hell.......what did staying at home and not voting (by some conservatives) give us???

You don't want to vote? Fine. But don't spend the next four years on here bitching about Dem policy if another Dem occupies the White House, in part because you, and millions more Repubs stayed home pouting.
The thing is...this is always been a part of the convention process. I wasn't a fan of Mccain or Dole either but hell.......what did staying at home and not voting (by some conservatives) give us???

You don't want to vote? Fine. But don't spend the next four years on here bitching about Dem policy if another Dem occupies the White House, in part because you, and millions more Repubs stayed home pouting.
Oh dont worry I will vote for whoever the GOP runs so we dont get hc or bs, but Im going to be ticked off.PS I wanted Ben Carson but he dropped out so I voted for Ted I just dont like back room politics.
Oh dont worry I will vote for whoever the GOP runs so we dont get hc or bs, but Im going to be ticked off.PS I wanted Ben Carson but he dropped out so I voted for Ted I just dont like back room politics.
Ben Carson while a good doctor might have been crazier than trump

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