"Jesus is Lord!" That is what someone yelled out at a Commie-Toe rally. What did Commie-Toe say in response?

When you realize ths is good vs evil, you will come to the realization what we are up against.

How dare anyone interupt her with Jesus is Lord while she is talking about abortion. These people are obssessed with abortion. Purely obsessed with it. I think you could tell them there are 500 nuclear missiles headed our way and someone is going to put bubble gum on every sidewalk in America and they would say can we still get an abortion.
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I'm not lying riflepussy. Hear what you want. I know you will, regardless.

The bitch is evil.
You are lying, liar. You can clearly hear what was said that Harris responded to. So why are you saying something else, liar?
You are lying, liar. You can clearly hear what was said that Commie-Toe responded to. So why are you saying something else, liar?

And you can clearly hear a male yell "Jesus is Lord!"

And what's hilarious, she acts as though her rallies have a larger audience than Trump’s.

And you can clearly hear a male yell "Jesus is Lord!"

And what's hilarious, she acts as though her rallies have a larger audience than Trump’s.
The video on that link is 54 seconds. At which second can you “clearly hear a male yell ‘Jesus is lord’,” liar?

I put the phone speaker next to my ear. The only thing that can be heard, and not very clearly, is “lies” said repeatedly.

So again, tell us at what second in the video you think what you claimed is clearly heard.
This is my problem with you trump nut suckers. He throws people out of a rally for being disruptive and it's the greatest thing ever, Kamala does it and she hates Christians
This is my problem with you trump nut suckers. He throws people out of a rally for being disruptive and it's the greatest thing ever, Kamala does it and she hates Christians
Throws them out? That’s not the issue. He urges his supporters to physically assault them, promises to pay the legal fees if they get in trouble for assaulting them, then just like his entire life, doesn’t keep his word and backs down from his promise.
Obviously more people than myself heard Jesus is Lord.

Take it up with your ears.
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Of course the libtards and kamel toe would have a problem with “Jesus is Lord” being yelled at her rally.

Probably would’ve gotten a better response if they would’ve yelled…”kill more babies” or “mutilate more children’s genitalia” or perhaps “we love illegals!”
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So you should have no problem telling us the second mark that you can “clearly” hear it in your video.

Take it up from the people who were there, moron. Like I said. Take it up with your ears and now eyes.

It's not "my" video, genius

Again, she claims her rally is bigger than Trump’s. In this video, you can see just how small her rally was. Tiny, compared to Trump’s.

Pro-life protesters shift the spin with 'God' message after Commie-Toe mocks them



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