Jim Davidson - Class of 1969


Gold Buffalo
Sep 29, 2010
Former Logan HS and Marshall University standout guard has passed away. A member of the MU Hall of Fane he played for Coach Ellis Johnson and made an impact in the 1968 NIT.
Jim lived across the hall from me in Hodges Hall my freshman year. He'd come over to my room before games and rub my head. He said rubbing the red hair gave him luck. We'd also play back alley bridge. Super guy. Sorry to hear of his passing.
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I remember the Bowling Green game at Memorial Fieldhouse where the teams benches were under the baskets at the opposite ends of the floor.....and a fight broke out...
Didn't Jim Davidson also play for the Pittsburgh Pipers in he ABA? George Stone played with Utah and Bob Allen played a few years with Golden St from that team too.