Don't you find it a bit odd that this stuff is coming out a couple decades after the fact? Even odder, is that they're pointing the finger at a Republican Congressman. Wasn't he an assistant coach at OSU during the time these events supposedly occurred? Does it make you wonder why the current accusers aren't going after the HEAD COACH at OSU during the time the events transpired? What about the AD during that time? Nope, it's only about the Republican Congressman, which is why I'll take a wait and see approach.Convict is an odd choice of words, as I am not aware of any criminal charges here. And the doctor is dead anyway. As for Jordan, the voters can make their own decision...given the outcomes of his races, I don't think Jesus Christ could beat him if running as a Democrat. But I will hold him to your standard: if it is true that Jordan knew about this crap, Jordan himself should have walked up to the doctor and kicked his ass.
It's tOSU. I would be more shocked if it is not true than if it is. And it's not a "gotcha" moment...different ballgame there.