Joe Biden Gives Shout Out to Butt Buddy

I'm trying to imagine the media response had Dan Quayle said this. Because holy crap it would have been everywhere. But with Biden, barely a peep. I'm guessing people just expect Obama's VP to make comments about missing his old male friends he used to have anal sex with. Because there's no other way to really interpret that.
Random, I find Joe Biden to be an embarrassment to the office. Have since about the second year into Obama's first term. And I'm not even talking about the terrible policy decisions this administration has made. Obama, uh, when, uh, off prompter, uh, is off, uh, off prompter, he's a verbal train wreck. But he tends not to say crazy shit. Biden on the other hand, unfortunately speaks clearly but repeatedly says & does things unbecoming a head of state.

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