Joe Biden is going to Cure Cancer if Elected

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Wow. That's a bold and fabulous undertaking. I might vote for him now.

They can't cure the common cold. Don't worry about that and just skip it. Go right after cancer. Not sure which type of cancer Joe will cure. I am guessing all of them.

Praise the Lord(or the religion of your choice)! I was going to post about LBGT and Any Other Thing Than Straight Month but this overshadows all that stuff.

This is big news! Cancer! Gone!

"That's why I've worked so hard in my career to make sure that... I promise you if I'm elected president, you're going to see the single most important thing that changes America, we're gonna cure cancer," Biden declared.
I'm not going to judge Biden on his statement to cure cancer due to him having lost a son to cancer. Likewise, I'm not going to judge cheeto if he makes a statement on curing autism due to him having an autistic son.
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I'm not going to judge Biden on his statement to cure cancer due to him having lost a son to cancer. Likewise, I'm not going to judge cheeto if he makes a statement on curing autism due to him having an autistic son.
Best campaign promise ever. Cure cancer.

Top that one

He means it too. Tax the wealthy to do it

Democrats are for the little man
I'm not going to judge cheeto if he makes a statement on curing autism due to him having an autistic son.

I've not heard of this. Is it confirmed or are you just attacking a child who can't control the fact that his father is despised by liberals?
I'm not going to judge Biden on his statement to cure cancer due to him having lost a son to cancer. Likewise, I'm not going to judge cheeto if he makes a statement on curing autism due to him having an autistic son.

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It has never been confirmed, and it is none of our business to have it confirmed....but if Barron isn't on the spectrum, I am the King of Spain.
I like the old days before they diagnosed 80% of the children with Autism or ADHD and all that kind of stuff.
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Not to get all serious or anything, but there’s been a lot of news lately about break throughs in Alzheimer’s potential cures. The problem though is that the gauntlet of research and FDA hurdles makes approval a five to ten year ordeal. I’d take these politicians more seriously if they promised to overhaul the process that drives up prices and delays approval of potentially helpful drugs. I get that a process that protects the public is necessary, but we have to do better than we are.

Some articles on potential Alzheimer’s vaccine...
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This is where we are at in politics. All these Democrats come out offering free stuff. One says free college. The others says high minimum wages. Free healthcare yells another guy or gal.

Biden Screw It: I Will Cure Cancer.

Take that Free Tuition and Higher Wages!
Best campaign promise ever. Cure cancer.

Top that one

He means it too. Tax the wealthy to do it

Democrats are for the little man
Below are some other dandy campaign promises:
  • Drain the Swamp
  • Enact Term Limits
  • Build the Wall (and have Mexico pay for it)
  • Universal Healthcare
  • Infrastructure spending campaign
I agree curing cancer is one hell of a reach, but so was going to the moon by the end of the decade when it was announced by JFK.
Below are some other dandy campaign promises:
  • Drain the Swamp
  • Enact Term Limits
  • Build the Wall (and have Mexico pay for it)
  • Universal Healthcare
  • Infrastructure spending campaign
I agree curing cancer is one hell of a reach, but so was going to the moon by the end of the decade when it was announced by JFK.

The real question is, if he's elected, and we haven't cured cancer within the first 2.5 years of his presidency, will you and your liberal brethren be on here bitching in every other thread about what a liar he is? I'm guessing not.
The real question is, if he's elected, and we haven't cured cancer within the first 2.5 years of his presidency, will you and your liberal brethren be on here bitching in every other thread about what a liar he is? I'm guessing not.
As far as I can tell, he didn't promise to have it cured in 2.5 years.....unlike some candidates who promised, "the first thing will be insert promise here."

However, I agree some sort of timeline should be applied, and the initiative should be more targeted and attainable. Perhaps develop cancer screening / detection underwritten by the gov't so insurance plans can offer at a greatly reduced cost....make it mandatory for annual exams.
As far as I can tell, he didn't promise to have it cured in 2.5 years.....unlike some candidates who promised, "the first thing will be insert promise here."

However, I agree some sort of timeline should be applied, and the initiative should be more targeted and attainable. Perhaps develop cancer screening / detection underwritten by the gov't so insurance plans can offer at a greatly reduced cost....make it mandatory for annual exams.
Still waiting on a chicken in every pot.
Below are some other dandy campaign promises:
  • Drain the Swamp
  • Enact Term Limits
  • Build the Wall (and have Mexico pay for it)
  • Universal Healthcare
  • Infrastructure spending campaign
I agree curing cancer is one hell of a reach, but so was going to the moon by the end of the decade when it was announced by JFK.

I started to post the same comparison with the JFK moon landing promise when I first read the thread. Unfortunately, the cancer cure is likely infinitely more difficult. But considering all of the things our government wastes money on, dedicating more of it to cancer research is certainly okay by me. If not a cure, at least move us closer to one.
As far as I can tell, he didn't promise to have it cured in 2.5 years.....unlike some candidates who promised, "the first thing will be insert promise here."

However, I agree some sort of timeline should be applied, and the initiative should be more targeted and attainable. Perhaps develop cancer screening / detection underwritten by the gov't so insurance plans can offer at a greatly reduced cost....make it mandatory for annual exams.

So, the answer is "no." At least you're honest.
Let’s be honest here, Biden has been in public office for 40 plus years and now, and only now he wants to cure cancer? This is the campaign speak that makes me hate politics and the BS that comes with it.

Here’s the thing...who’s against curing cancer? This is low hanging fruit. I just don’t understand why we are in an age where we can’t assume politicians are aiming for average to above intelligence along with rational thinking.
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Democrats are going to cure cancer, stop global warming, free college, free healthcare for everybody, raise wages as usual, and bring back integrity to politics.
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Let’s be honest here, Biden has been in public office for 40 plus years and now, and only now he wants to cure cancer? This is the campaign speak that makes me hate politics and the BS that comes with it.

I'd say that his son dying from brain cancer near the end of Biden's time in office may play a big part in this pursuit.

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