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From Ashes To Glory 2

Green Buffalo
Apr 25, 2015
Justice Department to Release New Information in Dispute Over Saudi Role in 9/11 Attacks

The decision, which follows pressure from victims’ families, comes amid strained U.S. relations with Riyadh

By Sadie Gurman and
Aruna Viswanatha
Updated Sept. 12, 2019 4:09 pm ET

WASHINGTON—The Trump administration has agreed to provide a key piece of new information about alleged official Saudi involvement in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks after an intense lobbying effort by victims’ families.

Victims’ families have for months urged the government to make information public, telling President Trump in a letter recently that it would help them “finally learn the full truth and obtain justice from Saudi Arabia.”
A name does little good. We need a full admission by our government that Saudi intelligence was involved...which is obvious to anyone that has paid attention.
You know there are plenty of things about 9/11 that don't add up.

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