Just pay the damn teachers

Herd Fever

Platinum Buffalo
Sep 25, 2008
Either pay the Teachers now

Or continue filling the already overcrowed WV prison system in the future and continue being the laughing stock of Public Education in America.
Either pay the Teachers now

Or continue filling the already overcrowed WV prison system in the future and continue being the laughing stock of Public Education in America.

In what state did you go to high school? Because you're a grown man and literally have the worst command over the english language of anyone on this forum -- most of whom are educated in the WV public school system.
So the teachers are deliberately short changing WV youngsters and they are responsible for the prison population? If they were only paid more the crime rate would plummet?
So the teachers are deliberately short changing WV youngsters and they are responsible for the prison population? If they were only paid more the crime rate would plummet?

Its been proven that strong educational systems where teachers are paid more contribute to lower crime rates.

If the Teachers dont care, why should the students care about their education and futures.
Its been proven that strong educational systems where teachers are paid more contribute to lower crime rates.

If the Teachers dont care, why should the students care about their education and futures.

I understand your point. I bet 99% of WV teachers care regardless of a pay raise. I believe even lousy teachers probably care about their students.
Your last sentence is very illustrative, the student(AND PARENTS), should, and need, to care regardless of the teacher. To many people point at others to blame their shortcomings when it’s on the individual to succeed or fail.