Good post, mr. scientologist on saturday and baptist on sunday.Sorry, it's difficult to amuse a drunk, capital punishment advocating preacher.
Yehh he basically admitted it.And a communist Monday thru Friday
Good post, mr. scientologist on saturday and baptist on sunday.
And a communist Monday thru Friday
Yehh he basically admitted it.
I like a good beer now and again. I support the death penalty in certain situations. SO, NO problem.Good job on your part to support a beer drinking, pro death penalty preacher. At least he has a certificate though, amirite.
not a lie, but an observation of your typewritten words. Of course, if your anti-American, pro-Communist words that you type out daily are simply bullshit lies, then my earlier statement, by default, would be incorrect. Are you a communist?Look who's jumped in with a lie, and that according to you cons.
I like a good beer now and again.
I support the death penalty in certain situations. SO, NO problem.
not a lie, but an observation of your typewritten words.
did herdman ever type out, I'm a racist? But yet, you call him one. That obviously makes you the biggest liar on the forum.Then you should quote my type written words that show that I'm a any time....
did herdman ever type out, I'm a racist? But yet, you call him one. That obviously makes you the biggest liar on the forum.
Then you should quote my type written words that show that I'm a communist
Sorry, it's difficult to amuse a drunk, capital punishment advocating preacher.
don't know whether to laugh or shake my head in disbelief. maybe do both. support killing babies but not capital punishment. he's probly feeling the bern and is for setting criminals free, too.This from a 2-teamer Christian/Scientologist who supports killing through abortion, shouts Allahu Akbar (and thinks it's funny). Actually, the list goes on and on with your contradictions in life.
The union block layer who put his hourly workers on a commission.This from a 2-teamer Christian/Scientologist who supports killing through abortion, shouts Allahu Akbar (and thinks it's funny). Actually, the list goes on and on with your contradictions in life.
who supports killing through abortion
The union block layer who put his hourly workers on a commission.
They guy who didn't want to is more like it. You hayseed business owner.^^^The guy who couldn't keep a business open.
They guy who didn't want to is more like it. You hayseed business owner.
Shit, I make far more money to say I don't own a business. Are you really that stupid?I wouldn't want to either if I couldn't. You failed business owner.
Shit, I make far more money to say I don't own a business. Are you really that stupid?
How is it failed when I walked away on my own terms and am making more money? Seriously, Hayseed?But the fact is you are a failed business owner. No matter how much money you make, it doesn't change that.
How is it failed when I walked away on my own terms and am making more money? Seriously, Hayseed?
How am I failed? You are the one who is failed. Made little to no money, never grew it, and put workers on commission. Nice try and you can walk around puffing your chest as a business owner just like the 12 year old kid that cuts grass in the neighborhood.You are a FAILED BUSINESS OWNER. I'll give you credit for ?trying?
How am I failed?
You are the one who is failed. Made little to no money, never grew i
and put workers on commission
Nice try and you can walk around puffing your chest as a business owner just like the 12 year old kid that cuts grass in the neighborhood.
if someone offered you 4 times or 5 times the amount of money you were making at your business would you "keep it open"?You couldn't keep a business open. It's not that complicated, moron.
You are describing YOUR business, not mine.
You're STILL unable, after years, to include the fact they made considerably more money under that commission. Here's a thought ( I know, you don't recognize that concept), why don't you tell your EMPLOYER to omit your sales commission, starting today?
And you get to walk around bragging about making commission like a 12 year old selling Grit newspapers.
if someone offered you 4 times or 5 times the amount of money you were making at your business would you "keep it open"?
And, when you were in the brick layers union what would you and the union guys done if they company said we are not going to pay you the $44 an hour we are going to pay you by the brick or pay you commission on the job?
That's what I thought you would take more money over running your own business.It depends on the job being offered.
You're fixated on unions, moron. If a union company doing the same thing your are doing now offered you a job making 28% more money, what's your decision?
That's what I thought you would take more money over running your own business.
This all started when you bragging about out working the Mexicans and Hondurans,
I probably would not take that deal. The union and I would drive each other crazy.
I certainly would not take the commission deal you offered if i made stuf
If I am making things or fixing things I want a guaranteed wage. I cant control whether you sell it and the distribution.I said it depended on what the job offer was.
I didn't say what you're claiming. This is exactly what I said:
"They MIGHT work harder, but I doubt they got more done than the crew I worked with."
I have news for you. You've already been driven crazy a long, long time ago.
So, you wouldn't take a 30%+ raise in pay for doing exactly the same thing you had been doing for years. You're a genius.
Explain how making stuff is relevant....
If I am making things or fixing things I want a guaranteed wage. I cant control whether you sell it and the distribution.
So I don't make any money between jobs? Again I cant control that side of it.The job was sold before you work on it. More proof you don't know what you're talking about.
So I don't make any money between jobs? Again I cant control that side of it.
You try again. Union woul never go for that. The Mexicans and hondurans dont even get that bad deal. I say that and I work on commission.There was no "between jobs". My business normally had a 8-12 week's worth of work on the books, with an advance payment required to be on the schedule. Furthermore, with the commission, you could take a week off every month and still make the same money you made before. Try again.
You try again. Union woul never go for that. The Mexicans and hondurans dont even get that bad deal. I say that and I work on commission.
Yes, I do. I see what they are doing here and I saw what they did up in WV. The Mexicans and Hondurans are better and faster.We were talking about the commission I had in place. Now you've gone back to the union obsession you have. Secondly, you have absolutely no idea whether or not the mexicans and hondurans would accept the commission rather than hourly wages. Nor do you have any idea if they're faster and better.