Keeper... just read that the Presbyterians caved in.

Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
Don't be misled by Keeper's theological differences. PC(USA) is the largest Presbyterian denomination in the US. This is not some small splinter kook group.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I didn't say they were not big, but they will not be the "largest" for much longer. They have lost 37% since 1993 and if most of their congregations were honest with their numbers they would be at best 40% of their currently publicized numbers.
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
Well, it is hard to compete with a multitude of Olsteen clones. That, and the crazy Pentacostals is all I see growing .

I wasn't accusing you of being misleading, just figured herdman took it that way by his reply.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Right, which is why I wrote "historically understood"
Originally posted by wvkeeper(HN):

Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
Well, it is hard to compete with a multitude of Olsteen clones. That, and the crazy Pentacostals is all I see growing .

I wasn't accusing you of being misleading, just figured herdman took it that way by his reply.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Right, which is why I wrote "historically understood"
I was trying to stop a rant on the liberal, vaginafied media in its tracks.
Well, it is not all Presbyterians nor the real Presbyterians. The liberal media doesn't explain all this. So, now people probably think all the Presbyterians condone this. Not so.