Killary said if Trump didn't accept the results of the election...


Bronze Buffalo
Sep 12, 2015
She finds that "horrifying."

Further, Grandma said, “And let’s be clear about what he’s saying and what he means. He’s denigrating—he’s talking down our democracy. I for one am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our major two parties would take that kind of position.”

Yet she is trying to join the call for recounts in several states.


This is going to make her look even more foolish than she already does. I guess it just means she is a liar to the core.
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So, has she officially withdrawn her concession? Because her campaign has officially thrown their support behind these recounts.
Who knows? Check out Jill Stein on twitter. She seems to be doing this on her own, not in an effort to help Killary, yet that doesn't make sense?

She even called out Killary when she started backing the recount campaign. Thing is, the Electoral College still has its votes set ready to cast. Recounting popular vote isn't going to do shit. There won't be enough time for them to really do anything with the outcome. Trump is officially the POTUS in about 3 weeks.
I actually think Trump's criticism of Stein has some merit. I also think it's hail mary desperation on their part. The Clinton Foundation & what it affords the Clinton family would have benefited mightily had Hillary won. Over the last 18 months, from what I've read The CFF's donations dropped dramatically once it became apparent the homebrew server was a serious issue.

She's trying to play it both ways right now. Calling for unity while simultaneously taking actions to undermine the election results while publicly saying they don't think it will change the outcome.

I think she's crazy for allowing her campaign to do it - especially if Trump actually picks up votes. But if she wants, by all means, spend donor money.
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the funny thing is that if Clinton had gotten Stein's votes she would have won Wis and Michigan...

oh well, drive a wedge right down the middle baby. the sooner we settle this sh!t in the school yard the sooner this country can get on with getting on...
Smart play by Jill Stein. Without this, many less people would know who she is. This will get her a little fame that she can parlay into ripping off some rubes.
This exactly. Sure a recount might matter for 300-400 votes but when you lose by 22k plus votes it's not going to change that. I mean they also want to recount Pennsylvania with a 70k plus gap.
she's taken in several million $$$ in donations for the recounts... that's what this is all about.......
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