Killer Robot Kills Suspect in Dallas

State of Texas does not abide by PC bullshit this clueless adminstration tries on daily basis. Obama leads up the new racial divdide in America. He has never once stepped outside of his framework to work on correcting issues. With him, he sees what America needs--or really what his vision of America.

His Rev Wright influence has shown ever seconnd since he steppped into the white house. Biggest con artist to ever hold office. He is and alwayshas been been a racist.
Series of events:

1. Robot: "'Hello Mr. Sniper..I am here to arrest you!"

2. Sniper:"FU R2-D2!"

3. Robot: "Whoops wrong answer---enjoy hell!"

4. Seconds later faint click noise: Boom!

5. Robot: "Such a dumb mother f@cker!"

6. Robot: "Police dispatch--over..Suspect terminated and it's a bit messy here!"

7. Greed: "Warming e-Meter up!"

8. eTard: Moves quickly to corner chair facing wall, inserts right thumb into mouth and moans---"Metal bastard killed an innocent bystander..dim damn guns, now bombs!"
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Series of events:

1. Robot: "'Hello Mr. Sniper..I am here to arrest you!"

2. Sniper:"FU R2-D2!"

3. Robot: "Whoops wrong answer---enjoy hell!"

4. Seconds later faint click noise: Boom!

5. Robot: "Such a dumb mother f@cker!"

6. Robot: "Police dispatch--over..Suspect terminated and it's a bit messy here!"

7. Greed: "Warming e-Meter up!"

8. eTard: Moves quickly to corner chair facing wall, inserts right thumb into mouth and moans---"Metal bastard killed an innocent bystander..dim damn guns, now bombs!"
See that was pretty good until your overzealous obsession with extra kicked in
I hear the explosion was so violent there was nothing left of the body for forensics to work with.

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