King Obumma calls the US plebeians lazy


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 22, 2010
I've got mixed thoughts on this one.

1)should he not be celebrating this laziness in thoughts and actions as a "success" for his ideology? After all, such laziness seems to get he and his party re elected continually. His policies will virtually insure greater numbers of people on public welfare with fewer full time job opportunities and greater financial hardship. Ultimately making them more lazy.

2)what kind of elected "leader" goes to another country and intentionally goes out of his way to call the people he (supposedly) represents "lazy"? One which also can seem to find the time to play more rounds of golf in two months than 99% of the lazy ones can play in two years. One which jets off for multiple 3 week vacations every year to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard. This Uncle Tom President doesn't seem to understand perspective.

3)The basis for these "lazy" comments focused around Americans not appreciating other country's cultures and /or doing enough in regards to climate change. WTF is he talking about?America is THE country built by bringing in countless cultures regardless of legality. People are not trying to flee to Laos to escape persecution or seek economic freedom or opportunity. America is still that destination. Asian countries (for the most part) are laughing at America because we are slitting our own throats as it relates to implementing (ignorant) climate change initiatives which eliminate the very freedoms which made us the reason people risked their lives to get here in the first place.

4) Please give this imbecile a teleprompter. Despite what lefties want us to believe, there is no way this man's intellect is Ivy League level. This kind of mindless, babbling speech makes Hillary and Donald look trustworthy. It's a shame Laos actually will provide the steps for him to get back on AF1 to come back. If he were truly smart, he would realize that his attempts to intentionally shame his own country while visiting other parts of the world is offensive and embarrassing. Not just to Americans....but to his hosts as well. It makes him look stupid and weak in the eyes of many of the world cultures he claims he wants to be a part of.