If your a high school kid looking to play football at the next lvl and have intrest from say ODU/WKY/SM and lets say OHIO / FAU / FIU/ and your a offensive player WR / RB /TE OL tell me and please be 100% honest here. What would make you choose MARSHALL over the other teams listed above? I'm talking about playing in this offense sytem only. I think we have some good players on that side of the ball but the sytem is just shit lets be real here please the OL is young but they held there own all year that unit will be much better next year. WR I think we have speed and hight here but it's not being used correctly ( poor route sceams). RB king is a stud and will only get better i'd love to see a big fullback infront of him opeaning a few more holes for KING and the other backs maybe run some ( wishbone) just a thought. TE we seem to always have a few good one's let's get them involed more in the passing game to open/soften the middle up( out routes to pull a lb out of the middle) and lets run more 5 wides like we used to do or lets try a 4 wr bunch or hell even a 3 wr bunch with 1 on the other side of the field alone and a te on the line that will go out for a pass now and then to keep the defense honest. At the end of the day I would be happy with a new OC and I think most people would be as well and if we did have a QB coach this year then I think we need to look for a better one of those as well and if we didn't then we need one ASAP. Please give me your 100% honest answers Thankyou.