Let's start a riot

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Cops shoot white thugs. Let's burn it down!

Oh wait. I have to go to work tomorrow. Sorry.
That's not our way. We pay people to riot for us, for entertainment purposes. We've even got enough left over to pay some bimbos to get on the news and act like they're appalled.

Quite a production we've put on.
Among the many painful ironies in the current racial turmoil is that communities scattered across the country were disrupted by riots and looting because of the demonstrable lie that Michael Brown was shot in the back by a white policeman in Missouri -- but there was not nearly as much turmoil created by the demonstrable fact that a fleeing black man was shot dead by a white policeman in South Carolina.

Totally ignored was the fact that a black policeman in Alabama fatally shot an unarmed white teenager, and was cleared of any charges, at about the same time that a white policeman was cleared of charges in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown.
In a world where the truth means so little, and headstrong preconceptions seem to be all that matter, what hope is there for rational words or rational behavior, much less mutual understanding across racial lines?

When the recorded fatal shooting of a fleeing man in South Carolina brought instant condemnation by whites and blacks alike, and by the most conservative as well as the most liberal commentators, that moment of mutual understanding was very fleeting, as if mutual understanding were something to be avoided, as a threat to a vision of "us against them" that was more popular.

That vision is nowhere more clearly expressed than in attempts to automatically depict whatever social problems exist in ghetto communities as being caused by the sins or negligence of whites, whether racism in general or a "legacy of slavery" in particular. Like most emotionally powerful visions, it is seldom, if ever, subjected to the test of evidence.
The "legacy of slavery" argument is not just an excuse for inexcusable behavior in the ghettos. In a larger sense, it is an evasion of responsibility for the disastrous consequences of the prevailing social vision of our times, and the political policies based on that vision, over the past half century.

Anyone who is serious about evidence need only compare black communities as they evolved in the first 100 years after slavery with black communities as they evolved in the first 50 years after the explosive growth of the welfare state, beginning in the 1960s.
You would be hard-pressed to find as many ghetto riots prior to the 1960s as we have seen just in the past year, much less in the 50 years since a wave of such riots swept across the country in 1965.

We are told that such riots are a result of black poverty and white racism. But in fact -- for those who still have some respect for facts -- black poverty was far worse, and white racism was far worse, prior to 1960. But violent crime within black ghettos was far less.
Murder rates among black males were going down -- repeat, DOWN -- during the much lamented 1950s, while it went up after the much celebrated 1960s, reaching levels more than double what they had been before. Most black children were raised in two-parent families prior to the 1960s. But today the great majority of black children are raised in one-parent families.
Such trends are not unique to blacks, nor even to the United States. The welfare state has led to remarkably similar trends among the white underclass in England over the same period. Just read "Life at the Bottom," by Theodore Dalrymple, a British physician who worked in a hospital in a white slum neighborhood.

You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization -- including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility and all the other basic things that the clever intelligentsia disdain -- without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large.
Non-judgmental subsidies of counterproductive lifestyles are treating people as if they were livestock, to be fed and tended by others in a welfare state -- and yet expecting them to develop as human beings have developed when facing the challenges of life themselves.

One key fact that keeps getting ignored is that the poverty rate among black married couples has been in single digits every year since 1994. Behavior matters and facts matter, more than the prevailing social visions or political empires built on those visions.

By Thomas Sowell (a bro)
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I'm going to have to pay somebody to read all that for me and sum it up in an 8 minute rant.

8:00 tonight on Fox News, just before the Reds/Royals game. How great it all is.
I've always enjoyed Thomas Sowell's writing. I've also admired his courage to speak his mind even though he does so knowing he will be condemned and labeled "Uncle Tom" by his own. What he's saying needs to be heard.
Was black poverty in what is now the Rust Belt actually worse in the 60s?

St Louis, Baltimore....two cities terribly affected by the plutocracy shipping jobs overseas. The black blue-color middle class was once strong in these cities.

To insinuate the welfare state is the cause of all the woes in black urban communities is a little over the top. A contributing factor? Sure. But there are other economic forces at work. Sowell, of course, is a lackey of the plutocrats in general and the GOP in particular.

A conspiracy theorist would wonder if the War on Poverty was just pre-planning for offshoring, the rise of Asia and cheap Asian labor (and the resulting cheap Asian shit that even welfare can afford).

It isn't like people are living rich off welfare. Walden thinks it is living rich if someone can have a TV, a cell phone, some Wendy's, and a decent car because that is all he really wants to be happy.
living rich if someone can have a TV, a cell phone, some Wendy's, and a decent car because that is all he really wants

I often feel like there should be more, but then I think about it. There just isn't. Sometimes I even lament the fact that I got roped into the things I actually waste money on. I was probably meant for a life of wandering around the chicken coop making noises all day.

That's pretty much what I already do at work anyhow. Have you ever heard the home run horn in Toronto when the Blue Jays hit one? That's my favorite noise right now. BUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, but more of a cow mooing sound.
Well, financially maybe not. I wouldn't recommend this to other people though. Almost makes me wonder if the old man didn't make up the story he told me about a dream he had once.

Said he was playing golf and every shot was a hole in one. There was nobody on the course. Nobody anywhere until he woke up. All those hole in one shots and nobody to show them to or tell about them.

Oh well, that still sounds better than sucking at golf in front of people.

To insinuate the welfare state is the cause of all the woes in black urban communities is a little over the top. A contributing factor? Sure. But there are other economic forces at work. Sowell, of course, is a lackey of the plutocrats in general and the GOP in particular.

That's not what I'm taking away from the article at all. Sowell is saying that the problem is that the behavior of some of these kids in the black community is being excused and exempted because of the societal problems with racism that existed prior to them being born. He's saying that the black community would have a much greater chance if they held these kids responsible for their behavior and quit giving them a pass. The following is what hits home to me....

The "legacy of slavery" argument is not just an excuse for inexcusable behavior in the ghettos.

You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization -- including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility and all the other basic things that the clever intelligentsia disdain -- without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large.
Non-judgmental subsidies of counterproductive lifestyles are treating people as if they were livestock, to be fed and tended by others in a welfare state -- and yet expecting them to develop as human beings have developed when facing the challenges of life themselves.

I don't give a whit about the whole conservative/liberal angle here. Liberal leaning people want to discredit the words of Sowell because he is being held up by the conservative community. I agree with Sowell's words even though I know doing so runs the risk of being considered racist. What's sad is that this whole conservative/liberal camp dividing has put us in a position that agreeing with the opinion of a black man with conservative views is racist to begin with.

If a white police shoots an unarmed black man who has committed no crime and does so without cause, prosecute him at the fullest extent of the law. But as a result of that unfortunate incident a group of blacks destroys the personal property of someone who had nothing to do with it, quit saying it's acceptable because of past misdeeds. If we truly want equality for everyone, allow the behavior of people to stand on the merits of a civilized society and not on the crutch of racism.
I often feel like there should be more, but then I think about it. There just isn't. Sometimes I even lament the fact that I got roped into the things I actually waste money on. I was probably meant for a life of wandering around the chicken coop making noises all day.

That's pretty much what I already do at work anyhow. Have you ever heard the home run horn in Toronto when the Blue Jays hit one? That's my favorite noise right now. BUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, but more of a cow mooing sound.
Its horrib;e to be born in a ghetto but white and black miners lived in tents in mingo and logan county back in the 20's and it was called tent city.oVER 5000 PEOLE. The goverment flew over and dropped bombs on them. Biggest riot since the civil war, Goverment called in the army so the miners, ex world war l veterans laid down their arms because they wouldn fire at an american soldier. Another cool fact is a man with the last name of hatfield was governor. He was also a Dr. First day on the job he went to tent city to help the sick. On his return in his office were coal barons waiting on them. He punched the biggest one of them and knocked him out in the governors office. THAT WAS WV'S BEST GOVERNOR EVER.
That's not what I'm taking away from the article at all. Sowell is saying that the problem is that the behavior of some of these kids in the black community is being excused and exempted because of the societal problems with racism that existed prior to them being born. He's saying that the black community would have a much greater chance if they held these kids responsible for their behavior and quit giving them a pass. The following is what hits home to me....

I don't give a whit about the whole conservative/liberal angle here. Liberal leaning people want to discredit the words of Sowell because he is being held up by the conservative community. I agree with Sowell's words even though I know doing so runs the risk of being considered racist. What's sad is that this whole conservative/liberal camp dividing has put us in a position that agreeing with the opinion of a black man with conservative views is racist to begin with.

If a white police shoots an unarmed black man who has committed no crime and does so without cause, prosecute him at the fullest extent of the law. But as a result of that unfortunate incident a group of blacks destroys the personal property of someone who had nothing to do with it, quit saying it's acceptable because of past misdeeds. If we truly want equality for everyone, allow the behavior of people to stand on the merits of a civilized society and not on the crutch of racism.

Giving a pass hell...some of them encourage it.

I don't mind a good riot if the cause is just and real. These cops are not racists, they are just assholes (the ones with unjustified violence). That's for the justice system. And these are not riots. This stuff is just stealing and thugging. That's the first sign these thugs don't have a problem with the police. Go attack city hall if you have a beef.

Anyway, it is not that I disagree with this column. I just think he is ignoring a huge issue no one wants to really tackle and do something about.
When the government was sending young men to die in Southeast Asia (A majority of them African American).

They protested at the Capital, White House, and on the Mall......They didn't loot and burn Drug Stores, Liquor Stores, and THE MALL!

The cry used to be "burn city hall", now it's "let's go loot CVS"!
We're not too far apart on the issue then Duke.

Bill Cosby used to speak to this issue. It's sad he turned out to be a predator because now he's lost all credibility.
Sowell may want to take a look at the history of Tulsa and how and why their wealthy black neighborhoods, which were quite large and strong, disappeared.
Sowell may want to take a look at the history of Tulsa and how and why their wealthy black neighborhoods, which were quite large and strong, disappeared.

That's the Negro Wall Street. How is that relevant to what Sowell wrote? The circumstances in Tulsa were over a white girl being assaulted by a fellow of color. Charges were dismissed due to the pull of the wealthy black men, so whitey got mad and took matters into their own hands, and went to the neighborhood to lynch the accused. They ended up burning the neighborhood down.
The problems in the black community:

1)Fatherless homes. It is an epidemic

2)Blame racism for everything and they are taught this at an early age. Most everything that goes wrong is racism.

3)Being black trumps everything. Vote the same way, take up for someone who is wrong just because they are black, etc.
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That's the Negro Wall Street. How is that relevant to what Sowell wrote? The circumstances in Tulsa were over a white girl being assaulted by a fellow of color. Charges were dismissed due to the pull of the wealthy black men, so whitey got mad and took matters into their own hands, and went to the neighborhood to lynch the accused. They ended up burning the neighborhood down.

Actually Rowland (The Accused) was not released until after the riots.

A lynch mob formed outside the courthouse where he was being held and things escalated from there.
The problems in the black community:

1)Fatherless homes. It is an epidemic

2)Blame racism for everything and they are taught this at an early age. Most everything that goes wrong is racism.

3)Being black trumps everything. Vote the same way, take up for someone who is wrong just because they are black, etc.

Agreed wholeheartedly.