other than the tax on food being eliminated, what tax cuts do you speak of in the state of West Virginia?
Significant West Virginia Tax Reductions Since 2006
Consumer Sales and Service Tax Value
1. Phase-out of sales tax on food for home consumption: $162 million
a. Rate from 6% to 5% on January 1, 2006
b. Rate from 5% to 4% on July 1, 2007
c. Rate from 4% to 3% on July 1, 2008
d. Rate from 3% to 2% on January 1, 2012
e. Rate from 2% to 1% on July 1, 2012
f. Rate from 1%to 0% on July 1, 2013
2. Expansion of Prescription Drug Exemption: 13 million
a. Purchases by health care providers exempt on July 1, 2007
3. Expansion of Pass-Through Exemption for Contractors 7 million
a. Direct use exemptions apply to contractor purchases
b. Expansion to manufacturing contractors on July 1, 2007
c. Expansion to other direct use exemption entities on July 1, 2009
Subtotal $ 182 million
Personal Income Tax Value
1. Refundable Homestead Exemption Tax Credit Expanded $ 5 million
a. Tax credit doubled from tax on first $10,000 to $20,000 in 2007
2. Low-Income Family Tax Credit 18 million
a. Eliminates tax on families at or below poverty level in 2007
3. Refundable Excess Homestead Tax Credit 3 million
a. Tax credit of up to $1,000 for residential property tax in 2008
b. Residential property tax must be greater than 4% of gross income
4. Repeal State Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) in 2010 1 million
Subtotal $ 27 million
Corporation Net Income/Business Franchise Tax Value
1. Rate Reductions in 2007 – [Value $35 million less $10 million] $ 25 million
a. Corporation Net Income Tax Rate from 9.0% to 8.75%
b. Business Franchise Tax Rate from 0.7% to 0.55%
c. Repeal of Capital Company Tax Credit – Value up to $10 million
2. Combined Reporting Reform Acts – Effective in 2009 $180 million
a. Adopt combined reporting requirement for unitary groups
b. Phase-out Business Franchise Tax
i. From 0.55% to 0.48% in 2009
ii. From 0.48% to 0.41% in 2010
iii. From 0.41% to 0.34% in 2011
iv. From 0.34% to 0.27% in 2012
v. From 0.27% to 0.20% in 2013
vi. From 0.20% to 0.10% in 2014
vii. From 0.10% to 0% in 2015
c. Phase-down Corporation Net Income Tax Rate
i. From 8.75% to 8.5% in 2009
ii. From 8.5% to 7.75% in 2012
iii. From 7.75% to 7.0% in 2013
iv. From 7.0% to 6.5% in 2014
d. Increase Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit offset
i. Maximum tax offset increased from 50% to 60%
e. Manufacturing Property Tax Adjustment Credit
i. Credit for local property taxes paid on manufacturing inventory
f. Temporary Financial Organization Goodwill Credit
i. 50% of added goodwill associated with non-domiciled bank acquisition
ii. Tax credit equals franchise tax rate multiplied by 50% of added goodwill
g. Temporary Financial Organization Adjusted Tax Credit
i. Reduces added income tax liability associated with combined reporting
ii. 80% credit in 2009
iii. 60% credit in 2010
iv. 40% credit in 2011
v. 20% credit in 2012
vi. 10% credit in 2013
vii. Minimum tax of $1 million applies
Subtotal $205 million
Other Taxes Value
1. Regular Timber Severance Tax $ 3 million
a. Rate reduction from 3.22% to 1.22% in 2007
b. Temporary suspension of tax in 20102. Repeal Corporate Charter Tax 7 million
a. Effective July 1, 20083. Elimination of Business Registration Renewal Fees 1 million
a. Effective as of July 1, 2011 for half of businesses on 2 year cycle
b. Effective as of July 1, 2012 for half of businesses on 2 year cycle4. Repeal Telecommunications Tax 0 million
a. Minimal loss effective in 2013
b. Most tax eliminated by way of growing competitive service exemptionSubtotal $ 11 million
Grand Total from 2006 to 2015 (FY2007-FY2016) $425 million