Liberals must hate God

I can't speak for all liberals but this liberal doesn't hate God. You can't hate something that doesn't exist.

I don't hate Christians. I believe strongly in the First Amendment. Everyone has the right to practice their faith and that shouldn't be infringed upon. By the same rationale, Christianity or any other religion, should not be forced upon anyone else. Our government, federal, state or local, has no business endorsing a religion.
I can't speak for all liberals but this liberal doesn't hate God. You can't hate something that doesn't exist.

I don't hate Christians. I believe strongly in the First Amendment. Everyone has the right to practice their faith and that shouldn't be infringed upon. By the same rationale, Christianity or any other religion, should not be forced upon anyone else. Our government, federal, state or local, has no business endorsing a religion.

So what constitutes having Chrisitanity "being forced" upon anyone else? or "a government, federal, state or local, endorsing a religion"?
So what constitutes having Chrisitanity "being forced" upon anyone else? or "a government, federal, state or local, endorsing a religion"?

Good question. Praying at a public, government meeting is one example. Public schools offering a Christian class is another.
liberals are miserable and hate everything, it's not just limited to religion. it's a weird currency they deal in. they're self-obsessed and want everyone to be almost as miserable as they are. i say almost because if you're equally as miserable, then they lose the ability to claim they're more affected.
i'd like to say i'm liberalism is a mental disorder, but it's not. hard core lefty libs are no more than a bunch of whiny bitch do nothings that have had everything in life given to them and feel entitled to everything that which doesn't belong to them. the lower key lefties simply support their behavior.

at the end of the day, while it's not necessarily a mental disorder they have, they're all still more fukt in the head than a soup sandwich.
The prayer in school argument is ass backwards. The Federal government basically forced their way into the educational system then staked their BS separation of church and state nonsense and have claimed that false authority ever since.
So you would be fine with offering classes in public schools teaching Islam?

Or you would be fine with a Muslim leading the prayer at a public, government meeting?

And I don't percolate.
Damn autocorrect. And yes I would be perfectly fine with those.
Libs hate Christians. I'm talking about tv liberals and a few athiests on here. God calls them fools which they all are but will guarantee a trump win in 2020. Talk about round 'll of the crybaby diaries. So out of touch they make trump look presentable.