Liberals with their social contract garbage

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
They had that commie Elizabeth Warren on there talking about the social contract. That's all well and good if people were all kind, gentle and loving. You know, a bunch of fruitcakes. I've said and thought before maybe it would be all right if that's how it was.

But it's not. That's just not how people are. This is why communism and her stupid ass ideas won't work. People are lazy, conniving, crooked, dirty, lying, evil, etc. Just naturally. Even these liberals and communists are evil and full of hatred. Look at their response to somebody like me. It's not "let's kill him with kindness." It's "REDNECK BIGOT BASTARD ROT IN HELL."

And I'm glad. It shows me that they're human like I am and everybody else is. And it shows me that their bullshit will never work. Anybody who believes it is either a naive do gooder, a stoner, or just a plain ole dumbass.
I read one sentence and stopped.

Do you know who Rousseau was? Hobbes? Locke? Kant? Do you understand the meaning of classical liberalism? Do you understand the influences on the Founding Fathers?

I just want to make sure you actually understand the phrase "social contract", and don't just throw it around like the politician you are criticizing, before I engage in conversation with you of this topic.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Social contract is what you and the commies use to try to guilt trip people into giving money to bums and idiots. I don't give a shit what your tiddlywinks professor said it was or what somebody said it was in 1791. People bitch at me to get with the times. You're about 200 some years behind with this garbage.

Your heart bleeds because you got softened up by being around bums and idiots all the time. I was around them too, and they pissed me off bigtime. They ruined everything that was ever worth a shit. They deserve nothing unless they go flip a burger for it.
I am with Walden, I know a damn commie and liberal bleeding heart when I see one. They want everybody else's money so they can feel good about themselves or get rid of their guilt.

Classic liberalism, new liberalism, whatever liberalism. Let's cut to the chase and cut out the bull shi*. That is what they teach in school: bull shi*.

This communism stuff and liberal for the good of mankind is not only destructive, it is unsustainable.
This post was edited on 12/16 10:00 PM by i am herdman
Notice how they only sucker in idiots with their warm and fuzzy stories. That's why we are so quickly dismissed. We scare the shit out of them. They don't want to deal with people who have sense enough to see how foolish they are.

Their supporters include head in the clouds Hollywood airheads, ghetto people, dropouts, bums, idiots, losers and the suckers who feel sorry for them.
Either of you having degrees is an embarrassment to Marshall University and the United States of America.

I am of the opinion that anyone not understanding the philosophies and intent of the Founding Fathers should not be allowed to vote. Nor run for office, like this Warren woman

Get with the times, Walden? No thanks, now that it is apparent today's times allows bachelor degrees without a lick of American history. You are like those morons on Jaywalking.

An even greater sign of your idiocy is your insistence on calling me a bleeding heart. I have been clear: I support a safety net for the disabled, and workfare for everyone else that falls on hard times. You are so goddamn dense; you call me "NAACP", but fail to pick up on the marginally racist, and classist, tint to my desire to see ghetto residents picking up trash and doing manual labor; my belief that they are so lazy they would rather flip burgers than do manaul labor goes right over your thick skull.

But back to my original point...both of you have spouted off here about how the good ol' days were better. What better time than the period that birthed this nation. Both of you, but especially Herdman, claim to be patriots; pick up a fvxking book or ten and figure out how we got here. That beats being as dumb as the broad Walden is criticizing. Social contract theory and wealth redistribution are not the same ballgame, no matter what Marx argued.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Did you actually expect a coherent argument from Walden? He's dherd; a parody of himself. Or, especially, from herdman? He's the dumbest person on here, because at least dherd and walden don't take themselves seriously. He clicks the "Post Message" button thinking he's making some sort of point while he vomits 100% self serving, uninformed bullshit onto the forums. He doesn't not understand American history because he hasn't been exposed to it, he doesn't understand it because he ignores everything that could possibly go against his world-view. If herdman read the story of the Revolution the only part that would stick was "there were high taxes so we overthrew the king so let's do that again." He's literally impossible to argue with because of how incapable of coherent thought he is.
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
...An even greater sign of your idiocy is your insistence on calling me a bleeding heart. I have been clear: I support a safety net for the disabled, and workfare for everyone else that falls on hard times. You are so goddamn dense; you call me "NAACP", but fail to pick up on the marginally racist, and classist, tint to my desire to see ghetto residents picking up trash and doing manual labor; my belief that they are so lazy they would rather flip burgers than do manaul labor goes right over your thick skull.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Interesting belief Raoul. I was unaware, or maybe just forgot, that you believed in workfare. Tell me more!!!!!!!! No really, how would you suggest this work in America today?
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
I support a safety net for the disabled, and workfare for everyone else that falls on hard times.
How would you define disabled? A lot of the disabilities that get paid these days are fraudulent.

Workfare wouldn't work. You know damn well there's no way we would enforce it. Way too soft. The first time somebody whined on TV about not getting paid because they refused to clean a toilet, you'd have an army of lawyers, civil groups and everything raising 8 kinds of hell and the authorities would cave.
Originally posted by HerdandHokies:
Did you actually expect a coherent argument from Walden?
It is kind of dumb for me to still be so mad about this.

It's because I still believe my goose is cooked. The actual work itself is cake, but being around people is awful. The curse. I wish I could donate its one redeeming quality to someone who had the rest of the package to make a real winner out of it.
Disabled is either physically unable to work (and not this "I get headaches" bullshit) or developmentally disabled. If you can sit in an office chair without serious pain, you can work.

I agree we disability to too many people. Hell I could probably get disability, yet I work 50 to 60 hours a week.

Texas, you put em to work. Give a choice between working while learning a trade or just physical bullshit. I bet it would take 5000 people a couple years to spruce up the local ghetto here. A four bike lane path along both sides of the Ohio River from Pittsburgh to Cairo sounds nice. Get some shovels boys. We might as well get something for this money. Make working at Burger King look a hell of a lot better. I have no doubt it could be done, we did it during the Great Depression. Will it cost money? Sure. But we get something for it. We already know 10% of the population isn't worth a shit, placating them is ridiculous.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Yeah, just put 'em to work. Or else what, they starve? Yeah right, not in this soft country. We feel sorry for people who want us dead, but now we're just going to force bums into the ditch to starve to death if they don't build a worthless bike path.

They wouldn't do it, you know. The bums I knew back home, they would lay in a ditch and starve before they would even get up and drive to a job, much less do any work. So they would be starving in the ditches and just be declared retarded and handed disability checks then. That's what workfare would result in. More disability.
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
Disabled is either physically unable to work (and not this "I get headaches" bullshit) or developmentally disabled. If you can sit in an office chair without serious pain, you can work.

I agree we disability to too many people. Hell I could probably get disability, yet I work 50 to 60 hours a week.

Texas, you put em to work. Give a choice between working while learning a trade or just physical bullshit. I bet it would take 5000 people a couple years to spruce up the local ghetto here. A four bike lane path along both sides of the Ohio River from Pittsburgh to Cairo sounds nice. Get some shovels boys. We might as well get something for this money. Make working at Burger King look a hell of a lot better. I have no doubt it could be done, we did it during the Great Depression. Will it cost money? Sure. But we get something for it. We already know 10% of the population isn't worth a shit, placating them is ridiculous.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
You guys would not believe (well, maybe you would) the characters that show up for disability evaluations.

I did independent physician disability evaluations back in residency for extra money. I'd estimate 5% of those I encountered could not obtain gainful, meaningful employment. Regardless of my report stating that I felt they could work, the majority seemed to get disability anyway.

I will never forget the day I slumped to my car in the parking lot of the clinic after a 10 hour day of disability evals...I crawled into my 2004 stripped down Nissan Sentra while the patient I had just examined (muscular with a farmers tan...very clearly a construction worker actively doing work....but "too much back pain to work") stepped up into his top of the line new Ford F250 to light a cigarette. Ugg, such a soul crushing weekend of work. So glad I don't have to do that again.
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
So yeah they can starve.
It'll never come to that. People have crunched the numbers on all this anyway. Our money is better spent paying to herd up the bums in sectioned off third world hellholes and let them shoot at each other. None of this can be made public. This is mastermind stuff here. Top secret. In the meantime, we'll instruct the media to stir up some cop stories to allow the oppressed to vent their frustrations every now and then.

Hell, they even stir me up to provide opposition. I've been played. Kind of got a kick out of it though. It's just like sports. Hell, I know that's a waste of time. Rooting for laundry, but what else is there?
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
It is very, very difficult to get an adult a DD diagnosis if it was not made as a child. This was not the case in the past, plenty of mild MR slipped through the cracks, but since the 70s school testing has been so thorough it rarely happens.

So yeah they can starve.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
You would be amazed at how many schools deem a child to be fine, when they actually have one or more learning disabilities. As soon as a child is diagnosed, the school is on the hook to provide extra services, which many schools cannot afford (I know the figure around 98 or 99 was $20K per learning disabled student).
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
I know they under diagnose LD. MR is a whole other ball game. And autism... Jesus you could put 90% of the population somewhere on the spectrum.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
True, I was referring more to LDs, hell, they used to diagnose dyslexics and other LDs as MR.