Liberty, NM State, Sam Houston State and Jacksonville State to CUSA

Given the revelation a little over a week ago, that Liberty's founder Jerry Falwell, threatened to punish students who reported being raped.

Talk about adding insult to injury for that worthless conference.

Jacksonville State, which is, BTW, in Jacksonville, Alabama, not Florida, almost beat Auburn a couple of years back, and lost the I-AA finals about 8 years ago, but really has not had the kind of decade and a half that says “I’m ready to move up” to me. At 9000 students, it would be the smallest public school in I-A. Same thing you can say about any school in the Deep South. After the SEC sucks 99.9% of the attention out of the room, what is left and why should anyone really care?

Sam Houston State, which is in Huntsville, Texas, not Houston, won the I-AA championship this year. It has only a 12K seat stadium, and really has shown no reason why adding seats would be a good idea. While Texas is a lot bigger than Alabama, the same question applies. How many people are really going to care.

As the NMSU, it is UTEP, only 50 miles further west. Both belong in the MWC, but the MWC doesn’t want them and there they are.

As to Liberty, they belong in the SBC. I don’t care about their religion, or anybody else’s. They exist and there are people who agree with their religious views. End of story. They have a huge enrollment and a lot of $$. They fit geographically. The could compete.

Overall, I guess the ball is in WKU and MTSU’s court. Why would they want a piece of this, over the MAC?
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At least these schools are all in the south I suppose... There were rumors about UConn, Idaho and North Dakota State (football only).

Still a league that stretches from Northern Virginia to Ft. Lauderdale, to Southern New Mexico is a travel nightmare.

Also, since CUSA has 5 teams currently, and they are adding 4, that means there must be one more team on the fence or waiting to be announced... Why would you go to 9?... You either got to 10 if WKU and MTSU stay, or 8 if WKU and MTSU bolt.
Hell if you play your cards right after a Jacksonville home game you could stay and shoot on over to Talladega and catch the fall race
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All the CUSA schools remaining should vote out Judy.
Her inpetitude has really been evident, at the very least someone able to entice FCS schools to join beyond just being an empty conference.

If I were an FCS school, that'd be my hesitation, considering how badly this has been handled, how little she seems to have done, and how even schools that didn't seem like they could afford to, left.

New conference, might as well be new leadership.
Kudos to CUSA for trying till the bitter end to take care of the programs they have left. I have seen worse options, thats for sure. I think this is a solid four to start out with. Sam Houston at this point is far ahead of where Charlotte and ODU were when they came into CUSA. Same with Jax State. New Mexico State is at least a FBS level team and close to UTEP. And Liberty could be one of the hottest G5 teams year in and year out.

What will be their next move? Not sure, but this is a good start to try and take care of LA Tech and FIU while everyone else in the conference left them high and dry.
Kudos to CUSA for trying till the bitter end to take care of the programs they have left. I have seen worse options, thats for sure. I think this is a solid four to start out with. Sam Houston at this point is far ahead of where Charlotte and ODU were when they came into CUSA. Same with Jax State. New Mexico State is at least a FBS level team and close to UTEP. And Liberty could be one of the hottest G5 teams year in and year out.

What will be their next move? Not sure, but this is a good start to try and take care of LA Tech and FIU while everyone else in the conference left them high and dry.
I agree with this. Jacksonville State beat Florida State this season, I believe beat FIU last year. Sam Houston State is one of the best FCS programs, and Liberty has been hot the past couple of seasons and has some nice P5 wins(while distancing themselves from the Falwell’s). They could have done worse. At the same time, thank god we are gone.
If you're an FCS program with the ambition of making the move to FBS, this might be the last opportunity for the foreseeable future. If C-USA did go dark, what options would you have? I don't see the remaining G4 Conferences, who are basically maxed out extending callup invitations to FCS programs again. No offense to current C-USA teams, but C-USA basically becomes the FBS's development league, in the event of any future realignment shifts.
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Kudos to CUSA for trying till the bitter end to take care of the programs they have left. I have seen worse options, thats for sure. I think this is a solid four to start out with. Sam Houston at this point is far ahead of where Charlotte and ODU were when they came into CUSA. Same with Jax State. New Mexico State is at least a FBS level team and close to UTEP. And Liberty could be one of the hottest G5 teams year in and year out.

What will be their next move? Not sure, but this is a good start to try and take care of LA Tech and FIU while everyone else in the conference left them high and dry.
About SHU & JSU vs. ODU & UNCC (at that time), you are absolutely correct about on-the-field FB. Sam Houston will have a lot of work to do in order to get to FBS standards.
Seems like Judy waited until the whole conference went to seed before trying to do something. And what she is doing is bat s**t crazy.
I'm not just punching down on a former Southland Conference rival in Sam Houston, I'll readily admit they would beat TXST by at least 2 TDs if we played tomorrow, but as far as the overall programs go - they should not be in the FBS. They are one of the most heavily subsidized (student fees) athletic departments in the country at over 75%. Their average student pays $650 per semester in athletic subsidy and they aren't pulling in a bunch of rich kids from Houston/Austin/Dallas.

Going into FBS, they will have one of the lowest athletic budgets in the country with no way to increase funding. They are unable to fundraise now even after winning consistently for the last 10 years with a national title. They average less than 7,000 attendance per game. Their travel costs are going to be through the roof. This will go well for them or CUSA.
FBS football has 130 schools and does not need anymore. This is only going to encourage the big 5 conferences to shut the rest of us out. CUSA is going to ruin football.
I have been saying for a while the NCAA needs to just take a massive audit on the G5 and give them a reality check that their falsified belief that they're able to compete at the FBS level is simply not true.

CUSA and the MAC need to drop down. Neither one was proactive in this round of realignment, which appears to be what's going to be present for the next several years.

The MAC never did anything to improve its brand, it really did sit at the very end of the FBS table, kept its head down, and didn't complain at any of the scraps they got (even if said scraps caused an allergic reaction).

CUSA was headed by a total idiot, has shown its complete lack of value as nobody even took a moment (minus us, dammit!!!) to think twice about leaving, and may be fed literal pocket change to stay on TV or may be completely streamed via Facebook...or Meta or whatever.

Cut those two out, you'll have the rest who actually want to try to make themselves worthy and focus on making a good product.
I don't like Aresco or the AAC, but I can't deny they really marketed themselves to be discussed with the P5...and their teams do pretty good too.
The SBC is making strides and appears to be a very strong case for the best of the G5. Most of the schools appear willing to spend what they have, and make an exciting product on TV.

The MWC is a bit stuck with their geography, but they've consistently had good teams and are doing about as good as they can given their situation.

Overall, those 3 are who should be fighting with the G5 because they're the ones who give a damn.