Like Ferguson, Looks Like We Have a Manufactured Crisis


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 4, 2007
Muswell Hillbilly
I am starting to smell a rat. I think there are higher powers that be that are stirring this up. There may be those that have a vested interested in starting race war(s).
This wouldn't change the fact he should have been restrained to begin with, or the fact he shouldn't have been arrested.

Regardless, the idea that the guy was able to severe his spinal cord intentionally seems unlikely.
The guy was apparently messed up as a kid on paint chips so it's not impossible that he really just wasn't all there.
I don't know how much of that I believe. The videos of him being dragged look very irregular. The guys legs already look like they have no function.
Go power drive yourself into a wall head first, head ducked down, and see if you don't snap your neck. Not saying this is what happened but injuring yourself like this simply is not hard to do if the right force and angle is achieved. Doesn't take much to crush your head like a melon either. It is a tragic accident no matter what occurred.

Nevertheless, Jesse and Al love it no matter who is at fault. It doesn't matter what the facts will be (Ferguson is proof of that). Keeps them employed and the ignorant dependent.
Go power drive yourself into a wall head first, head ducked down, and see if you don't snap your neck. Not saying this is what happened but injuring yourself like this simply is not hard to do if the right force and angle is achieved. Doesn't take much to crush your head like a melon either. It is a tragic accident no matter what occurred.

Nevertheless, Jesse and Al love it no matter who is at fault. It doesn't matter what the facts will be (Ferguson is proof of that). Keeps them employed and the ignorant dependent.

but he couldn't power drive himself into anything, his arms and legs were restrained.
I don't know how much of that I believe. The videos of him being dragged look very irregular. The guys legs already look like they have no function.

I would agreed with you 429, except the video also shows him using his legs as he climbs into the van. Maybe he was making himself limp following his arrest?
There has been no evidence put forth from the police to suggest they had any reasonable suspicion to approach Grey.
There has been no evidence put forth from the police to suggest they had any reasonable suspicion to approach Grey.

If I look at a cop.........and he glances at me...........and I take off running, as if, "oh shit, they got me".......that's reasonable suspicion to be stopped.

And before you suggest this isn't sufficient enough to stop an individual....I point to police DUI checkpoints. Just try to avoid one after coming into visual contact.
There has been no evidence put forth from the police to suggest they had any reasonable suspicion to approach Grey.

I agree with this. People know the score. Why go into these places and pretend to care about enforcing law and order? Pffft, forget it.

It's Iraq without the oil. It's a waste of time. Leave it for dead. The mayor's right.
Yes, she also said right after that to the young people, "This is your time, your cause, blah blah blah"

I am not saying something did or didn't happen. But if I was announcing the prosecution of someone, as the prosecutor, I think I would stick to the facts and not attempt to go off course. She appeared to be more serious about the political public perception instead of sticking with the facts of the case.
There is still not enough info that has been released to the public concerning what actually happened for anyone to make a call on this one way or the other. I didn't see anything from the tape that warrants murder charges against the officers. Nor do i think a failure to properly restrain or an improper arrest - in and of themselves - give rise to such charges.
Listening to her announce charges she almost sounded happy to be announcing them. It's really interesting that the media reported yesterday that it appeared to be accidental and today the me report claimed homocide
I would agreed with you 429, except the video also shows him using his legs as he climbs into the van. Maybe he was making himself limp following his arrest?

Maybe I saw a different video, but the one I saw scanned away to show how he went from being held up on the pavement to being held up with his legs beneath him in the doorway of the wagon. At no point is he standing on his own without being held up.
After watching the video again, I would agree that it is unclear as to whether or not he is standing on his own on the bumper area or if he is being propped up. Even so, there is nothing on the video that shows the officers used impermissible force.
The cop with the most serious charges, Goodson, appears to be black. What will the narrative be now?
Look at Baltimore. This is the future of America. Token hires as elected officials. And, savages taking over.
The really rich whites who run this whole show will never let it happen. This is all a ruse for their entertainment. We get a lot of entertainment out of it as well, the redneck hick whites. The duped libs even enjoy it even though they don't want to admit it. They deliver the news on there with smiling faces full of sparkling white teeth. All dolled up to talk about it. This is The Event.

Without this and sports, we're all just staring at the wall waiting for cancer.

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