like i always say - conservative policies ALWAYS produce socialism


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007
it happened in america when conservative policies exactly like those of todays
conservatives almost sent america into the communist camp, and greece (or the "grecians" as george the idiot called them
demonstrate today.

"Tsipras won because those who imposed austerity never thought about the
effects of such drastic policies that impoverished millions of people,"
said Paul De Grauwe, a professor at the London School of Economics and a
former adviser to the European Commission. "In a world where people are
so hit, they just don't remain passive. Their reaction is to turn to
the politicians who will change the process."

"What the whole debate about Greece and Syriza highlights is that voter
anxieties, voter resentment and electoral disillusionment over austerity
policies can be expressed at the ballot," said Jens Bastian, an
economic consultant based in Athens and a former member of the European
Commission's task force on Greece. "The example of Greece today may
become a precursor to what happens in other countries like Spain,
Portugal or Italy."
So you'll be voting conservative now? Or are you more "I just like the opposite of Rebublican" then you are a person who actually stands on their own set of beliefs?
True conservatism could never lead to Socialism, it's on the other end of the political spectrum.
So dtard what you're telling us is that once the milk from uncle sugars teet starts flowing that the people have no desire for it to stop.
what i am saying is that republican policies produce more communists and
socialists than the communist & socialist parties.

look at america in the late 20's and early 30's.
What you're saying is that once these leftist policies ruin national economies and the grown ups step in to bring more fiscal responsibility, the people are upset because they don't get all of their free stuff and month of vacation anymore so they revolt thus going back into the toilet. Your logic is illogical.
Originally posted by Greenis Envy:
What you're saying is that once these leftist policies ruin national economies and the grown ups step in to bring more fiscal responsibility, the people are upset because they don't get all of their free stuff and month of vacation anymore so they revolt thus going back into the toilet. Your logic is illogical.
that is just nonsense. you are the only person i've ever heard associate
the hoover and bush administrations with "free stuff" unless you are speaking
of the super rich - then i might agree.

during the great depression republicans did exactly as you advocate and deepened
the depression. rooosevelt with the new deal giving what you would call free stuff
and what everyone else would call an opportunity and a job.

during the bush depression republicans again advocated hoover policies (do nothing)
and dems reintroduced roosevelt policies (light - thanks to r's desire to further promote
the filthy rich). europe followed republican policies and still are not out of the bush depression
while america thrives - no thanks to r's.
the closest america has EVER been to communism was during the depths of the great
republican depression.
Reading new Dtard threads are similar to observing infants after eating new food, you are kind of intrigued to see what kind of creation and colors are going to be left in the Pampers, but at the end of each creation you realize it is still a pile of dung with a very foul odor that was just projectiled out the wrong end with no thought input from the child.
Originally posted by HFF-SLTX:
Reading new Dtard threads are similar to observing infants after eating new food, you are kind of intrigued to see what kind of creation and colors are going to be left in the Pampers, but at the end of each creation you realize it is still a pile of dung with a very foul odor that was just projectiled out the wrong end with no thought input from the child.
why am i not surprised that you are fascinated by dirty diapers. you're a big,
big businessman doing big, big business - no doubt.
Originally posted by dherd:
Originally posted by HFF-SLTX:
Reading new Dtard threads are similar to observing infants after eating new food, you are kind of intrigued to see what kind of creation and colors are going to be left in the Pampers, but at the end of each creation you realize it is still a pile of dung with a very foul odor that was just projectiled out the wrong end with no thought input from the child.
why am i not surprised that you are fascinated by dirty diapers. you're a big,
big businessman doing big, big business - no doubt.
Butt hurt there little buddy?
hey, i am not the one with the dirt diaper fixation mr. "BIG JOB"
Originally posted by dherd:
hey, i am not the one with the dirt diaper fixation mr. "BIG JOB"
I thought I would just mention a diaper jab today, that's better than Shit For Brains like it is most days with you. Accountant, sure you are.

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