Line opens at +39.5

Playing the third ranked team in the most top heavy, unbalanced, unfair era of college sports.

Add in the fact they are the best team we have ever played against and this should come as no surprise at all

Third meaningless game of the year we have played.
What game mattered in regards to our season? And the goal of winning a championship?

We showed some offensive signs against SB

Defense played very good at VT

This game we are nearly a 6 score underdog. How could game like that really matter? Ooc game as well
What game mattered in regards to our season? And the goal of winning a championship?

We showed some offensive signs against SB

Defense played very good at VT

This game we are nearly a 6 score underdog. How could game like that really matter? Ooc game as well
All I did was post the opening line and a question. I know how good Ohio State is and how much they spent to be that good.

I will say it’s interesting that you do seem to at least be recognizing reality now. Didn’t even pretend to act like we have any shot. This game was always meaningless except for a need to keep it somewhat respectable. We lost any shot at the playoff spot when we lost to VT when you consider this loss was already baked in.
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All I did was post the opening line and a question. I know how good Ohio State is and how much they spent to be that good.
Perkins is following his typical pattern. Pre-season, Marshall is the bestest eveeeeeeer because it is Marshall. Then after CH's charges are manhandled by some mediocre P4 team or by a MACer, the line that we can "win the conference" (something CH has NEVER done) is trotted out, playing off the true, but irrelevant, point that non-conference games don't really count in that way. Now, in a bow to reality Perkins is accepting OSU will manhandle us.

Then comes WMU, which also should easily control that game, and we will still be in the "but we can win the conference, we are 0-0" mode. Then we will spend a brief time in the "well if Appy loses two games and we win out..." mode. Then we will move on to the "we can make a bowl" mode. Which might or might not happen, it doesn't really matter.

Then the reset button is pushed and it all starts over again. Except we move up in class from the second best B10 team to the best team from the best conference, Georgia, who should be favored by at least 50. But we can still win the conference....

As to your original post, lay the points and take the Buckeyes.
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While Perkins takes his rhetoric to ridiculous levels... I do agree with his premise.

We learned nothing against Stony Brook... They were awful and we looked like the 85 Bears.
We learned pretty much nothing against VT... Other than we aren't very good at that damn newfangled forward pass.
We will learn pretty much nothing this week... OSU is a legit National Title contender and whether or not they beat the spread will be determined by how the coaches decided to bet it in their burner Fan Duel accounts (maybe they'll help us out and bet the under).

We will learn what we are made of the next three weeks -- WMU, App State, and Georgia Southern are comparable teams to us. We will need to win 2 out of 3.
So what, be the line for We are Marshall anyways we show up win or lose on game day. Screw the gamblers sorry SOB’s. Go ahead and take that line hope you lose your asses. I am praying that we don’t back down and give them more than expected and kick their paid for asses. NIL (DEI), has made It the lust for $$$ bigger than teamwork, fellowship, and athletic abilities of our children. Frankly writing I bet the whole nation wants us to beat them come Saturday. David vs Goliath for sure! Coach Huff let loose the Herd!
So what, be the line for We are Marshall anyways we show up win or lose on game day. Screw the gamblers sorry SOB’s. Go ahead and take that line hope you lose your asses. I am praying that we don’t back down and give them more than expected and kick their paid for asses. NIL (DEI), has made It the lust for $$$ bigger than teamwork, fellowship, and athletic abilities of our children. Frankly writing I bet the whole nation wants us to beat them come Saturday. David vs Goliath for sure! Coach Huff let loose the Herd!
Would you happen to be a grandmother/grandfather? -- This is the exact kind of pep talk my grandma would give me before my high school basketball team was about to lose by 30+ at Erie Cathedral Prep every year.
So what, be the line for We are Marshall anyways we show up win or lose on game day. Screw the gamblers sorry SOB’s. Go ahead and take that line hope you lose your asses. I am praying that we don’t back down and give them more than expected and kick their paid for asses. NIL (DEI), has made It the lust for $$$ bigger than teamwork, fellowship, and athletic abilities of our children. Frankly writing I bet the whole nation wants us to beat them come Saturday. David vs Goliath for sure! Coach Huff let loose the Herd!
This might be an unpopular opinion, but quoting a movie that’s 18 years old about an event that happened 54 years ago is part of our problem. We need to move forward and realize we can’t keep defining our program by past events. It’s time to accept that college football has evolved, and we’ve been left behind.
This might be an unpopular opinion, but quoting a movie that’s 18 years old about an event that happened 54 years ago is part of our problem. We need to move forward and realize we can’t keep defining our program by past events. It’s time to accept that college football has evolved, and we’ve been left behind.
College football no longer exists in my book....professional football that happens to be played on Saturday!
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Unless Huff has been holding back our offense has been pretty poor.
I jumped over to the Ohio State board for a second just to see what they think about this matchup... Basically they think we are Western Michigan Part Two and this will be another 56-7 type game.

There were a few guys who talked about our defense being pretty good and predicted closer scores, in the 45-10 range, but most of them would lay the 40 points.
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This is a bad coach with bad players.
You said "bad players" last year too. The thing is, we had more players make NFL rosters, practice squads, and transfer out to Power 5 programs after last season than ever. As I said last year, it wasn't a talent issue. It was a coaching/coordinator issue.
I am taking Marshall +40 with how Huff gets them fired up to play big time teams. We have covered (or won) vs every P4 team since Huff became our head coach. Don't see that changing now
I honestly think our defense is pretty solid(at least it looked that way in the VT game) I don’t see us losing by 40. I was disappointed Huff left Earle in the entire game, with how poorly he was playing Imo. ( I kept thinking, they’ll switch it up next drive but never happened). Defense was on the filled over 36 minutes, the offense needs to be better. Hopefully, will see Braxton and maybe Pennington get a shot this week and create some offense! OSU 34 Marshall 20. Marshall fan in me prediction Marshall 31 OSU 30
I am taking Marshall +40 with how Huff gets them fired up to play big time teams. We have covered (or won) vs every P4 team since Huff became our head coach. Don't see that changing now
Id wait till about 3 minutes before kickoff... The line is still moving toward OSU. The app I use now has it as OSU - 40.5... It could easily be 41 or even 41.5 at kick. Might as well get all the points you can.
Id wait till about 3 minutes before kickoff... The line is still moving toward OSU. The app I use now has it as OSU - 40.5... It could easily be 41 or even 41.5 at kick. Might as well get all the points you can.
I will, I’ll be taking anything higher than +35 whatever it is on gameday

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