First off, let me say Louisville has a great team. Probably the best team ever to play here. However, I have attended sporting events all over this country and I have never seen a more arrogant fan base anywhere. I always talk to visiting fans and welcome them. I tried it five times and all five times they acted like it was a chore to talk to me. The ones who did talk, talked down to me. I sat around s few and they bitched at every call. When up 52-7, they were standing and cheering and rubbing it in to fans who were still here. Then, they have the audacity to complain about us being classless and mean. These people have a huge awakening coming their way. Their team is good. However when Jackson leaves, they will return to the level of mediocrity. They aren't that good and tend to forget that they, too, were once in a G5 conference, but due to their Basketball program, they got invited to the table. Good luck in the future. Your team may win, but your fans are true assholes! And that says a lot when you consider the fact they have to compete with WVU fans for the title of assholes!