Feb 16, 2009
I can't believe nobody is talking about the 10,000 people that rallied in Time Square last night to protest the Iranian nuke deal. Or the speech Lt. Col. Allen West gave at the rally last night. After watching it I was so fired up i could have Koolaid maned it through a brick wall. You want to find a man that truly loves this country look no farther. If this man decides to run for POTUS all other candidates should step aside. This man will take shit from nobody.
8-10k thousand Jews in NYC...that is like a couple hundred blacks protesting in St Louis.

Here is what no one seems to remember about this "deal": it isn't worth the paper it is written on for BOTH sides. Since when has a piece of paper kept the US from bombing the shit out of someone? If it eventually needs done, it will be done. Same goes for Israel.
8-10k thousand Jews in NYC...that is like a couple hundred blacks protesting in St Louis.

Here is what no one seems to remember about this "deal": it isn't worth the paper it is written on for BOTH sides. Since when has a piece of paper kept the US from bombing the shit out of someone? If it eventually needs done, it will be done. Same goes for Israel.

Obama is a weak President. someone is going to have a shit pile to clean up. Just wait. He is damaging this country.
So no deal is better than this deal, amirite?

You don't take a bad deal just to take a deal. You look those ragheads in the eye and say we will knock you off the face of this earth if you F with us. Won't be no bullshitting around like Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Your capital will be a glassed parking lot, goat ******rs. And, I mean word it just like that to the smelly bastards.

Instead we are a politcally correct nation lead by a socialist who was raised a muslim and who is hell bent on correcting American and in his mind an anti colonialism policy. The dude won't even call terrorism for what it is.
I'd bomb the shit out of them. Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel would also. BHO gonna turn our forces against these allies when they decide to take action on their own?