Let's make sure we understand the origins of the U.S. national debt. Since the beginning of Reagans term, the republican tax breaks have reduced the federal government revenue by $20 TRILLION DOLLARS. THAT $20 TRILLION IS 55% OF THE ENTIRE NATIONAL DEBT OF 36 TRILLION. Of the 16 trillion remaining debt, 6.7 TRILLION of debt occurred under TRUMP. That means republicans, including Trump, have created 74% of all national debt. The present administration intends to soon pass a law to extend the trump tax cuts which will cost another $4 TRILLION. You already know that the majority of those tax cuts do NOT go to your neighbor struggling to buy groceries, they go to the RICH. In the meantime, they (republicans) want to raise the retirement age, cut or eliminate health insurance assistance, cut or eliminate Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid, and more. Do you not understand that you've been electing your executioners??