Major League Baseball @ Ft. Bragg, NC (07/03/2016)


Bronze Buffalo
Gold Member
Jan 15, 2015
Pretty dang impressive to watch Major League Baseball (Braves--Marlins---ESPN) from Ft. Bragg, NC. It took a TEAM EFFORT to build the 12,000 seat Stadium [largest permanent seating for baseball in the Tar Heel state], constructed on a run-down golf course, starting in May (2016) and completed a few days ago. The layout of seats surrounding the playing field was a good idea.... in my opinion...separate sections for fans that prefer to not set behind home plate. Now that the Major League game has been played, the brass @ Ft Bragg will convert the diamond to Softball & other sporting events for the soldiers & families.

Wouldn't it be GREAT if Huntington-MARSHALL-the State of West Virginia could see "the clearing outside the fore$t" for a first time and construct something like Ft Bragg did? We would only need 1/3 the seating to make a nice venue in Huntington.

While attending the CUSA Baseball Championship, played @ Southern Miss....they have a great area in right field (folks must PURCHASE season parking spots to get in the section) really adds to their game day experience. Southern Miss folks LOVE their Baseball & support it very well. During games, Beer drinking (exercising sanity), bar-be-ques, Eagles Flags waving in the right field breeze, home runs flying into the parties (thrown back if hit by an opposing player) was a site to witness.

Apple Pie, Chevy & HERD Baseball (mixed with cold BEER) would be GREAT for Huntington & Southwest West Virginia (to include Ky & Ohio).

in Charlotte.....please don't awaken is fun.....

Was a 5 million dollar project to do that.

Yes, was a very cool scene. The field will stay, but the seats and the lights were temporary.
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Nobody is arguing it that it wouldn't be great. The issues have always been location and where to find the money to build it.
US of A government and Walt Disney company = unlimited funds.

Huntington city, Cabell county, West Virginia state, any company around here = not much.