Extra, I really do wish you were smarter. I really mean that.
Most of what you say about employment only boosters what Trump has done. Let's say you were Tony Perez hitting behind Johnny Bench for the '76 Big Red Machine. Which is more impressive, Bench getting 100 rbi or you getting 95? What is the reasoning for your answer?
My take is simply this, Trump's numbers would be much higher, but there aren't enough people to fill all the openings. Because the employment picture is so strong, and people have so much confidence in the economy, they are also being pickier about the jobs they take.
Obama got the low hanging fruit coming out of a devestating recession. The fact that it took so long to rebound is why his last 4 years looked good, although the quality of that job growth was inferior to the quality we are currently seeing. He also significantly benefitted from the gas boom during the infrastructure build out phase, which created a temporary spike to his numbers in the last term he had.
Quick edit - unfilled jobs are up over 1.6 million since Trump took office. So jobs + opportunities give the real picture.