Make that 304,000 jobs in January

that's what this is all about. getting at trump

loser assholes

You just aren't smart enough to "get it". I've told you guys several times I'm on the board for amusement, and what amuses me perhaps the most are you cons celebrating lower statistics now that weren't good enough for you under Obama when they were better. And after I tell you this, you still won't get it and you'll brag about those statistics of cheetos that aren't as good.
You just aren't smart enough to "get it". I've told you guys several times I'm on the board for amusement, and what amuses me perhaps the most are you cons celebrating lower statistics now that weren't good enough for you under Obama when they were better. And after I tell you this, you still won't get it and you'll brag about those statistics of cheetos that aren't as good.

There were 8.9 million jobs created under Obama. There have already been over 5.1 million created under Trump. What, exactly, are you bragging about?
There were 8.9 million jobs created under Obama. There have already been over 5.1 million created under Trump. What, exactly, are you bragging about?

There were 11.6 million jobs created under Obama, and that includes subtracting the 5.888 million jobs lost due to W's recession in the first 20 months of Obama's presidency. cheetos has presided over 4.914 million jobs created. There were 10.362 million jobs created in Obama's last 4 years. If cheetos continues his 4 year term at the average rate jobs are being created over the last 2 years, he will have a total of 9.828 million jobs. That's less if you're keeping up so far. From Dec 17 to Dec 18 the real hourly wage increase was 1.1%, while Obama's last 4 years averaged 1.3%, and yet you're bragging on the wage increase under cheetos. I'm bragging about the job done under Obama in the recovery from the biggest economic downturn since the Great Depression, and you're bragging on cheetos for stepping in Obama's shoes and enjoying the free ride.
Extra, I really do wish you were smarter. I really mean that.

Most of what you say about employment only boosters what Trump has done. Let's say you were Tony Perez hitting behind Johnny Bench for the '76 Big Red Machine. Which is more impressive, Bench getting 100 rbi or you getting 95? What is the reasoning for your answer?

My take is simply this, Trump's numbers would be much higher, but there aren't enough people to fill all the openings. Because the employment picture is so strong, and people have so much confidence in the economy, they are also being pickier about the jobs they take.

Obama got the low hanging fruit coming out of a devestating recession. The fact that it took so long to rebound is why his last 4 years looked good, although the quality of that job growth was inferior to the quality we are currently seeing. He also significantly benefitted from the gas boom during the infrastructure build out phase, which created a temporary spike to his numbers in the last term he had.

Quick edit - unfilled jobs are up over 1.6 million since Trump took office. So jobs + opportunities give the real picture.
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My take is simply this, Trump's numbers would be much higher, but there aren't enough people to fill all the openings.

There were 5.6 million unfilled job openings in January of 2017. Obama's numbers would be better but there wasn't enough people to fill all the openings.

The fact that it took so long to rebound is why his last 4 years looked good

They didn't just "look" good, they were good. Better than trumps.

although the quality of that job growth was inferior to the quality we are currently seeing

If the jobs are higher quality now, why isn't the real hourly wage increase higher than under Obama's last 4 years?
Why does Greed even discuss the economy? Greed are you really that proud of your stupidity?
Why does Greed even discuss the economy? Greed are you really that proud of your stupidity?

No joke, I think it's that Scientology shit. His head is pumped so full of confidence and self-enlightenment (which can be a good thing) that he thinks he is having in-depth discussions with everyone.
If Greed was batting behind Johnny Bench, he would have struck out swinging, and blamed his inability to hit the slider on Donald J. Trump
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Jobs numbers, employment and unemployment numbers, labor force participation rates, etc., only requires a little effort to look them up on government websites. I spend my time correcting your false accolades for cheetos. Bunch of morons.
well, that answers my question, he really is proud of his stupidity.
Jobs numbers, employment and unemployment numbers, labor force participation rates, etc., only requires a little effort to look them up on government websites. I spend my time correcting your false accolades for cheetos. Bunch of morons.

Anyone can look up numbers. Not everyone can understand them, nor their interdependence, and form logical conclusions.
Anyone can look up numbers. Not everyone can understand them, nor their interdependence, and form logical conclusions.

And anyone ^^^ can post opinion in an effort to contradict facts.

It's a fact that more jobs were created in the last 2 years of Obama's 2nd term than the first 2 years of cheetos term.

It's a fact that out of the last 6 years, cheetos job creation comes in at 3rd and 6th place.

It's a fact that real hourly wage growth as an average in Obama's last term was better than cheetos.

It's a fact that last year you attempted to belittle Obama's low unemployment rate by saying it was aided by low labor force participation rate. In the meantime 20 of cheetos 24 month labor force participation rate has been the same or worse. And that ^^^ low labor force participation is persisting even after that rip roaring economy boosting $$trillion dollar "stimulus" that is borrowed to be paid for.

Appears to me you need to improve your ability to understand numbers, their interdependence, and form logical conclusions.
real hourly wage growth as an average in Obama's last term was better than cheetos

Most likely due to various states voluntarily raising their minimum wage.

California and New York as examples.

The larger irony of course is that you’re the first to bitch about “wage growth” remaining stagnant.
The labor force participation rate is over 63%. Obama's last month over 63% was February 2014.
Most likely due to various states voluntarily raising their minimum wage.

2015 21 states and D.C.
2016 14 states
2017 19 states
2018 18 states
That ^^^ is how worthless your "most likely" turns out to be. moron.

Current labor force participation is 63.2. Hasn’t been over 63 since 2014.

20 of 24 months the participation rate has been the same or worse under cheetos. cheetos inherited 62.9. His average for 24 months is 62.87.

Yep, liarherdfan stupid.
2015 21 states and D.C.
2016 14 states
2017 19 states
2018 18 states

20 of 24 months the participation rate has been the same or worse under cheetos. cheetos inherited 62.9. His average for 24 months is 62.87.

Provide some “links”.

Fact: 63.2. Hasn’t been over 63 since 2014.

The most depressing average???Workforce participation at Greeds cabinet shop. 0.0.
20 of 24 months the participation rate has been the same or worse under cheetos. cheetos inherited 62.9. His average for 24 months is 62.87.

Yep, liarherdfan stupid.