The people calling Morrisey a carpetbagger had no issues voting for Rockefeller and that's a fact. It's very relevant to this election, and exposes liberal hypocrisy yet again...Mr."Political Scientist."
I was never enthused for Rockefeller, and can't even recall if I ever voted for him (as I have said before, I never vote for every race, and considering his races were never in doubt I very well may have skipped that race every time but 1990, when I know I voted for John Yoder). I personally liked the guy, and I drank his liquor when I once had a chance to, but besides co-authoring CHIP he really never did much. Byrd was in there fighting for WV every day. That said, at least Jay moved to a really shitty town when he was young to be a volunteer for the poor, unlike Morrisey that moved to the nicest part of WV just to run for office....he didn't even bring his wife with him. Now that is a real carppetbagger.
And if the past of Rockefeller is relevant to this election, I am the King of Spain. Seriously, that's the kind of shit that back in the late 1800s would have made you a subject of study in eugenics.
"Mr Christian", what is relative to this election is you are doing what Jesus would do and supporting someone who took money to enable drug pushing. Jesus Christ loved opioids, and had a giant field of poppies that could feed 5000. As I said earlier, you are proud to belong to the party of pedos and now dope pushers, but you go to church on Sunday and the polls on Tuesday all smug like pulling the GOP lever somehow gets you through the Pearly Gates quicker. You'd be more honest if you burned some Ketoret in front of a statue of Ayn Rand. And maybe a bit cooler and a more in-depth student of your claimed religion if you knew what that is.
And pssst....I know anyone to the left of Robert Welch Jr. is a "liberal' to dimwits like you, but Jay wasn't really a liberal...he was a Republican before he got involved in WV politics (back then you would have been better off to run in WV as a queer than a Republican), he was sort of a warmonger and a member of the CFR . He's a Rockefeller, the family that helped the Nazis, that shouldn't be a shock.