Marvel's Daredevil on Netflix is a MUST watch!


Platinum Buffalo
Mar 2, 2012
Wow, Marvel and Netflix hit a grandslam with this show. It's absolutely brilliant, just amazing.

I'm usually not big on comic book superhero movies but this show is unreal good.
Seen one super hero teevee show, you've seen 'em all.
Originally posted by HRHF:
Seen one super hero teevee show, you've seen 'em all.
Oh, this show is 1,000x better than those movies. A hell lot more violent too. This show makes those movies look PGish like Bambi.

Well written and superb acting.
Originally posted by HRHF:
The Godfather, bEER. The Godfather.
Never seen it, don't think I ever will. Cannot get into those Italian mafia movies.

However, I will give Italians this, they are the best cooks!
Originally posted by bEER_Nation13:
Originally posted by HRHF:
The Godfather, bEER. The Godfather.
Never seen it, don't think I ever will. Cannot get into those Italian mafia movies.

However, I will give Italians this, they are the best cooks!
This surprises me as much as you are into movies. The Godfather is near or at the very top of almost every movie ranking as the best film of all time. Citizen Kane, Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, and Godfather is almost universally everyone's top movies of all time. I'd give it a chance.

This post was edited on 4/19 9:30 AM by GK4Herd
If you have never seen The Godfather and The Godfather Part II, you don't get to have an opinion on whether or not a TV show or movie is "unreal good" or not. As GK said...easily one of the best movies ever. Personally, they are both in my Top 2.