Matt Bevin

Politics aside, can we all agree that Matt Bevin is a fvckwad? Another politician so out of touch with reality and his constituents that he keeps saying stupid sh*t and then doubles down on it.

He's an idiot. These days the schools have to worry about the kids without coats, or with a mom strung out on dope that doesn't dress them warmly.

And having the gall to complain when the media reports what he said word for word....what a jackass.
It really boils down to the lawsuits

That why schools are called off more now

Little Johnny slips on ice and school meets their lawyer

The two dumbasses who thought the pipe bomber was a lefty.
That’s pretty sad Rox didn’t pay a $100 bet. That’s crazy. Clearly the guy doesn’t have a pot to piss in. Sad he even took that bet since he couldn’t back it up. Really sad. Guy is probably drowning in debt.
Damn! You're giving i am herdman a run for his money.

Speaking of money...have you seen my $100?
it is all hookers and blow, dumbass

I was 12 years old when the river froze solid during the winter of 77-78. We went to school every day. Of course the schools were also not air conditioned and we weren't allowed to wear shorts to school. We had no deaths from climate during my time in public schools.
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I was 12 years old when the river froze solid during the winter of 77-78. We went to school every day. Of course the schools were also not air conditioned and we weren't allowed to wear shorts to school. We had no deaths from climate during my time in public schools.

Different time, different values. The less fortunate in society were more apt to take care of their kids in those days. Now, Mommy and Daddy (if he's around) are too high to give a sh*t if their kid has a coat and gloves on.
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Different time, different values. The less fortunate in society were more apt to take care of their kids in those days. Now, Mommy and Daddy (if he's around) are too high to give a sh*t if their kid has a coat and gloves on.

What if the parents spent their welfare check on drugs instead of food and didn't pay the electric bill. What if the school's heat and food are all the kid will get that day? A couple minutes waiting on a bus doesn't sound so bad then, does it?
What if the parents spent their welfare check on drugs instead of food and didn't pay the electric bill. What if the school's heat and food are all the kid will get that day? A couple minutes waiting on a bus doesn't sound so bad then, does it?

Don't be obtuse. With temperatures that cold, a kid without gloves or a coat could get frostbite in less than 30 minutes. Not to mention many areas of Kentucky had been impacted by some level of snow and ice during that same timeframe. Much like WV, getting backroads and hollers cleared can take days, sometimes weeks to accomplish. The risks of sending kids out in that was far greater than any benefit that could be derived from it.
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Don't be obtuse. With temperatures that cold, a kid without gloves or a coat could get frostbite in less than 30 minutes. Not to mention many areas of Kentucky had been impacted by some level of snow and ice during that same timeframe. Much like WV, getting backroads and hollers cleared can take days, sometimes weeks to accomplish. The risks of sending kids out in that was far greater than any benefit that could be derived from it.

Don't be obtuse. With temperatures that cold, a kid without gloves or a coat could get frostbite in less than 30 minutes.

It's any exposed skin. Face, ears. This was not just "coat and gloves" cold, this was cover every part of your body cold.

I am usually the first to bitch when schools close for a dusting of snow. Extreme cold, with a 20 mph wind....that's a different ballgame.
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The coldest months in Louisville history were January 1977 (8.3 average for the month), and January and February 1978 (around 14 on average). When you average single digits for the month you have to have some really cold days. I understand if schools are called in Chicago for -50 wind chill days, but KY didn't have that kind of weather.
The coldest months in Louisville history were January 1977 (8.3 average for the month), and January and February 1978 (around 14 on average). When you average single digits for the month you have to have some really cold days. I understand if schools are called in Chicago for -50 wind chill days, but KY didn't have that kind of weather.

I don't remember a lot from that age, but I distinctly remember two things from those winters: the Ohio River freezing over (this was on the TV news, people were walking on the river ice, and my memory is black and white lol), and school being closed a LOT of days. I would not be surprised if some was for cold, although we did have a shitload of snow back then. I can remember "snot freezing cold" (you know what I mean, your nostrils get stiff), but I cannot remember actually being cold waiting for the bus. Wednesday morning I actually felt cold, and I dressed like an REI advertisement. The coldest temperatures of the year are usually on low-wind days: it is from usually backside weather after a snow event, and this is usually high pressure following a low...higher pressure and a clear night with snow pack. This was different: we had snow on the ground, and the skies cleared, but the sinking vortex had the wind 20-25 mph.

I have a few fairly distinctive memories of the blizzard of 78. We made tunnels in the snow. I guess they only went a couple of feet in reality, but we thought we were bad ass kids. We were out of school for two weeks. Apparently some of the phone system went down, as Dad took off to check on Mom's mother in Edwardsville. I-64 was closed but apparently he told the cops to get fvcked and drove up the road anyway (this is a common thread in my family history, and the same grandmother did this after the 74 tornado outbreak to check on one of her kids). Dad had a truck almost exactly like the one in the link below, except his was more beige than yellowish....a real fvcking tank. Dad made it to the top of Edwardsville hill, then had to walk through high drifts the last quarter mile or so to make sure she was OK. Of course she was, she was old school country and could survive a zombie outbreak before any of us would.

Anyway, one big thing I do remember from childhood: I knew kids had parents that drank a lot, I knew kids whose parents smoked funny smelling cigarettes, but I don't remember any kids parents OD'ing on dope, and even the poor kids were covered head to toe in cold weather with coats, gloves, fvcking ski masks, etc. I know, because we had snowball fights with the projects kids, and the kids from Bono Village in New Albany (HUD housing a little better than the projects). I'm sure some was because of charity; I remember my parents gave a lot to such things at church, such as their annual coat drive. But times have changed; there is more "fvcked up" in the world today. Better safe than sorry.

Can you even buy ski masks today? I don't recall seeing them in Walmart any time soon....then again, I don't look at the Walmart clothes very often.
I never remember school being closed for a lot of days. I remember helping the bus drivers put chains on the buses. I remember standing at the bus stop when it was cold. I do remember them driving with snow on the roads.

Yes, school was close some. But I don't remember it being a lot. Maybe a day here and there.