Mccabe told Congress about CROOKED DONALD TRUMP investigation Nunez tipped off crooked Donald Trump


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007
Whitaker committed perjury in house testimony.
told associates his job was to jump on grenade for CROOKED DONALD TRUMP.

FBI counterintelligence agents investigating Russian election interference were also collecting evidence suggesting that CROOKED DONALD TRUMP could be compromised by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

concerns about Trump had been building “for some time”

McCabe spent his first 10 years at the bureau in New York City, investigating Russian organized crime.

“It has occurred to me on a number of occasions that, you know, Donald Trump and I know some of the same people,” he told me.

And he sat at the conference table, and he just looked down at the table with his hands out in front of him. I was like, “How did it go?” And he just—he couldn’t find words to characterize it. We just sat back and said, “What do we do with this now?” How do you effectively convey intelligence to the American president who chooses to believe the Russians over his own intelligence services? And then tells them that to their faces?

My own view of it is that those two things, the obstruction and the national-security threat, are inextricable.

the concern about the president and whether or not he posed a national-security threat that we should be investigating had been building for some time.

To spend 21 years as an FBI agent, living under the ideals of fidelity, bravery, and integrity, and then to be branded a liar the day before you were gonna retire. It was very tough. But in some ways, it’s also entirely predictable. The facts are that this president has a long and illustrious history of attacking the credibility of people who say things that he doesn’t like, and I believe strongly that that’s what’s happened here. Firing me for lack of candor was a perfect way to undermine my ability to, who knows, provide testimony against him, to tell these stories that I’ve now told in the book. I never, ever intentionally misled the FBI inspection division, the office of the inspector general, or any director of the FBI, ever. Not ever. I completely reject the findings, the conclusions, and the recommendations in that [inspector general] report. I am very familiar with investigative reports. I’ve been writing them and reading them for 21 years. That is not an investigative report. That was a pretext to reach the conclusion that was being demanded by the president of the United States.

So do I think the case into Trump is open or closed? There’s absolutely no reason for me to believe that it’s closed. And you can certainly look at what Mueller’s done so far to say he is doing exactly what we would do with the investigation of a cartel or an organized-crime family.
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Got you got your info from McCabe's interview on "The View" today.
I posted the video without comment - I stumbled upon and shared it since it was pertinent to this thread. I assume from your responses you must be interested in my POV on this issue. I'm flattered.

IMO, McCabe's book is his replacement retirement plan, and I don't plan to contribute. I don't think the timing is good for the country...but it's pretty good for book sales. Some of the info didn't need to be shared since it involved confidential/private conversations - IMO, this should have treated as "off the record" and left out.

However, his interviews have been pretty compelling, and thought today's response to Trump's twitter threats was strong....silence from members of congress who were in that briefing is telling.

Finally, if it comes down to believing Trump or McCabe, I would be inclined to believe McCabe (duh).
It's also possible for people to amazingly be credible on the things that they say about people you don't like.

Trump himself said he believes Putin over our intelligence agencies on a different topic, and did so publicly. So yeah, it McCabe tells me dogs bite I might tend to believe him, given that dogs have in fact bitten in the past.

Funny how this orange demon even has folks like you going pro-Russia over patriots in the FBI and US intelligence agencies. This ain't the America I grew up in.
There is not an eye roll big enough or a laughing emoticon with enough vigor to reply to that.

This manichean worldview that says you're either for us or against us I thought went out with bush jr.

It is possible to think folks like McCabe are giant useless bags of garbage and not therefore support Trump.
It is possible to think folks like McCabe are giant useless bags of garbage and not therefore support Trump.

You attack many people for not telling the truth, but you don't attack cheetos for doing so....15 times per day.
Not a McCabe fan....or his book. He needs to release it now since it will become moot if/when the Mueller report is issued. It's a profit motive - not a noble endeavor. Again, I won't be participating in this pension plan.

McCabe may have been caught in, what, four mis-statements? Maybe? Trump utters four lies before breakfast every day.

However, as it concern's McCabe's reporting, NO attending members of congress have denied his account of a meeting with the "Gang of Eight" where the investigation was announced along with its rationale and supporting evidence, and it's still crickets from those attending.

Rosenstein's rebukes concerning McCabe's accounting of events have been tepid at best.

Then there's literally troves of published/recorded Trump quotes and behavior that leads the majority of Americans to go "WTF?"

So, who to believe Trump or McCabe? McCabe has potentially lied four times on record - not even in the same universe with Trump.
That article accuses mccabe of lying 4 times. Where's your post condemning cheetos for lying 15 times in 2018....PER DAY?

If you're going to make such outlandish claims and then demand over and over someone respond to them, you should expect to be called out on them.

Provide a link that shows Trump indeed lied 15 times per day x 365 days. Get yourself a calculator, because you don't have enough fingers and toes to count all them big numbers, Wayne County Dumb.
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There is not an eye roll big enough or a laughing emoticon with enough vigor to reply to that.

This manichean worldview that says you're either for us or against us I thought went out with bush jr.

It is possible to think folks like McCabe are giant useless bags of garbage and not therefore support Trump.

Again, Trump has in the past publicly stated he believed Putin over American intelligence agencies. Please tell me exactly why I should not believe McCabe (even if he is a useless bag of garbage) when he alleges Trump did the same again but behind closed doors. I honestly do not believe you can. It's not as if this is a wild accusation.

Many leading Republican members of Congress rebuked Trump when he said he believed Putin over American intelligence in the matter of election meddling...where were you?
Saying Trump lies is like saying the sun shines. It's not a particularly interesting statement.

Comey, McCabe, Strozk, etc... are the worst possible folks to be on the other side of Trump.
Saying Trump lies is like saying the sun shines. It's not a particularly interesting statement.

Comey, McCabe, Strozk, etc... are the worst possible folks to be on the other side of Trump.
The ability of Trump supporters to white wash or look past this President's inability to be honest, truthful and honorable is beyond comprehension.

As far as Strock, McCabe and Comey, I don't disagree with you. Comey and Strock exhibited bad judgement. I don't believe those two were caught in a "lie", but they made some bonehead moves. In fact, Comey's bonehead moves helped elect Donald Trump. IMO, the jury is still out on the IG report that got McCabe fired. The upcoming lawsuit should be interesting.

Regardless, those three are no longer on the "other side of Trump" and haven't been for some time.
If you're going to make such outlandish claims and then demand over and over someone respond to them, you should expect to be called out on them.

Provide a link that shows Trump indeed lied 15 times per day x 365 days. Get yourself a calculator, because you don't have enough fingers and toes to count all them big numbers, Wayne County Dumb.

Have someone read the following article to you. It's way over your head.
I'll add Chevy to the list of people on here who can't read. Saying McCabe is a liar is not saying I support Trump or think Trump doesn't lie.
I apologize. I wasn't aware you weren't a Trump supporter. On the bright side, I'm sure I have lots of fine company on your "can't read" list so I won't be lonely.

What prompted my "white wash" comment was the description of Trump lies as "not interesting".
I'll add Chevy to the list of people on here who can't read. Saying McCabe is a liar is not saying I support Trump or think Trump doesn't lie.

Your actions speak loud enough. You attack many others for lies, but have totally avoided doing the same thing regarding cheetos. Let's see if YOU can read...
Saying Trump lies is like saying the sun shines. It's not a particularly interesting statement.
Comey, McCabe, Strozk, etc... are the worst possible folks to be on the other side of Trump.

First, I'll start with playing your usual game of semantics. You said he told 15 lies per day in 2018. Your own article claims he told an AVERAGE of 15 lies per day. There's dumb, and then there's you, Wayne County Dumb.

My bad. EVERYTHING is over your head.
How does it feel to have wayne county dumb (with a12 year old mentality) own you and other conservative pukes in multiple threads?

I'll let you know...

If it ever happens
You trying to deny facts.....


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