McDonald's: WTF Happened?


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
Stopped by the McDonald's on my way to Indianapolis on Thursday, the usual stop in Gas City, Indiana.

Menu was pretty much bare. Did they make major changes, or does Gas City not have enough Mexicans in the community that know how the hell to work a fast food joint?

Pretty much limited to a few burgers and a chicken sandwich. I think they had maybe 6 combo meals to choose from.

How are fat people supposed to get by on such a limited menu? The big mac meal was lower priced down there though. I scored that one for $5.00, plus $0.35 in taxes for the state of Indiana.
The only reason to eat at a MCDs is if you are desperate. When your business plan focuses on selling sub par ground beef products in a commoditized market (cheapskates looking for a $1 menu) you are going to get blown out of the water eventually. They put more effort and financial resources into building Starbuck's look a like cafes and serving garden salads with chicken instead of serving what people ultimately wanted..........great burgers and fries (with a higher price point).

They totally missed the market shift to higher quality and chose to simply serve the welfare, minority demographic.
Yeah, I blew this one. There was a Long John Silvers right across the street. They still give you plenty of grease on that deal, although it's pretty pricey these days, but all that grease tastes pretty good as it goes down. I can still remember when you could get a beer at LJS way back in the day. Wonder why they stopped doing that? Cold beer and greasy fish. That's a helluva combination.
All the fast food burger joints are slop, but I don't know of anywhere else to eat. Not gonna cook or dress up to go sit down in some richy steakhouse.

All the big ticket fast food items are just cow sized portions of their kiddie menu, dressed up with a vibrant array of colored lard.
LOL..another possible walk out for $15.00 per hour...seriously...would be nice if you do happen to go through a drive thru for one of these numbnuts to be able to get the order correct...this is one reason I do not utilize drive through's , hell they have enough problem's getting it correct when you order inside. You have to be kidding me to think that these types would expect to be paid basically $120.00 per 8 hour shift(before taxes, unless they are Mexicans and do not pay taxes(lol) and still not be able to talk intelligently nor be able get the order correct the first time around
I stopped in McDonald's. I was the only cracker in the place. Church had just let out and I think I saw Obama's crazy preacher there. They were nice folks though.

Every once in awhile you just can't beat that two cheeseburger meal with fries and coke.
The only reason to eat at a MCDs is if you are desperate. When your business plan focuses on selling sub par ground beef products in a commoditized market (cheapskates looking for a $1 menu) you are going to get blown out of the water eventually. They put more effort and financial resources into building Starbuck's look a like cafes and serving garden salads with chicken instead of serving what people ultimately wanted..........great burgers and fries (with a higher price point).

They totally missed the market shift to higher quality and chose to simply serve the welfare, minority demographic.

Not counting the salads, I swear their plan is just to capitalize on their lead in breakfast sales. You can now get a fancy coffee with your McMuffin.
Large Ice Tea for a buck. Also, many of their locations will mix in Splenda in the tea if you don't want Sugar. They still make a good shake and their fries are good.
I agree with you on their focused breakfast strategy. The problem is such a narrow focus diminishes their AUVs. May not be that big a deal for MCD corporate operated stores whose wealth is tied more to its worldwide real estate holdings. But damages the franchisee operators financial performance and risks their ability to maintain operations and profitability because of dwindling sales. MCD appears to be slitting its own throat by walking away from what actually made their brand famous.

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