Both Banker and Chevy makes good points. The answer as usual doesn’t lie on the extremes, but somewhere in the middle. Unfortunately, we’ve reached this time in history where only “ its noisiest authorities” (excuse my Dickens reference) are all that’s being heard. All the noise is coming from the extremes of viewpoints from unflinching holders of ideology that view any entertainment of rational thinking as a concession. To believe this man is a victim of a society completely bereft of opportunity for betterment should he had pursued it is dishonest. But to believe the constructs of society doesn’t discriminate in favor of those born into wealth and opportunity is dishonest as well. So I find myself nodding approval of both Banker and Chevy as I read this thread.
Since Pullman is all Trump all the time, I’ll bring it back to that. He is not the cause of this polarity in ideology that lands both sides out on the extremes, but he’s certainly a symptom of it. The socialist need to realize that opportunity is built on the backs of capitalism and the far right need to realize that within the structure of capitalism are unequal opportunity that can’t all be explained away by believing that everyone can be successful if only they worked harder. Both schools of thought are intellectually dishonest.
But both sides will disagree. It doesn’t fit lockstep in their unflinching held positions.