
Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007
Dtard how do you feel about Hillary giving over 95% over her charitable donations to her self. How do you feel about Hillary and her pay for play oops I mean foundation being under FBI investigation for corruption. For all of trumps issues and dear lord they are numerous it baffles me how you and other dems completely ignore all of hillarys
cant wait to watch Dherd meltdown when Trump smashing HC at the polls this November.
Hillary is exactly what Dems claim repubs are x100.

If I was a dem. I also wouldn't be celebrating quite yet.
Dtard how do you feel about Hillary giving over 95% over her charitable donations to her self. How do you feel about Hillary and her pay for play oops I mean foundation being under FBI investigation for corruption. For all of trumps issues and dear lord they are numerous it baffles me how you and other dems completely ignore all of hillarys

She gave donations to herself?

The Clinton foundation is under fbi investigation?
Someone doesn't seem to understand how "donation-foundation" world works in some places. No surprise. He expects others to do all the donating while he does all the complaining