You lefties love to talk about the lies Trump throws around. I don't disagree. What bothers me is the fact that you consistently ignore blatant misrepresentations and lies when they come from your side of the aisle.
Case in point, the Michael Brown shooting. The five year anniversary just passed. Two of your presidential hopefuls (and frontrunners) issued Trump-like tweets, lying about that event in an effort to pander to their base. Sound familiar? Yet not one of you called them out on it. I guess lying bullshit is only wrong when it comes from someone you disagree with.
Case in point, the Michael Brown shooting. The five year anniversary just passed. Two of your presidential hopefuls (and frontrunners) issued Trump-like tweets, lying about that event in an effort to pander to their base. Sound familiar? Yet not one of you called them out on it. I guess lying bullshit is only wrong when it comes from someone you disagree with.