Michelle Obama is a Beoch


Platinum Buffalo
Mar 4, 2007
During a recent People
magazine interview, First lady & Richard Roundtree stunt-double Michelle
Obama was discussing racial bias in this country. She made comments that
I'm calling bullshit on. And not because I don't think racism is alive
& well in this country (especially the Northeast) but because her comments
are borderline insane. She said her husband was wearing a tux at a black
tie dinner & someone asked him to get coffee. I don't go to a ton of
black tie events, but for the ones I have, the "help" doesn't also
wear tuxedos. That's just bullshit.

the pièce de ré·sis·tance of the interview was a comment the 5'11"
Michelle made about a time she was shopping in Target in 2011. She said
someone asked her to help get something off of a high shelf. Can you believe the stones on that woman to
ask Michelle for help with something out of her reach? Cause that's blatant racism, or
something. Short people are such
Originally posted by wisemaniac:

And not because I don't think racism is alive
& well in this country (especially the Northeast)
stay clueless.
I think she looks like a gorilla, but I agree about being pissed off at the store. I've had people think I work there and it sucks. Not because I'm offended that they think a white dork loser looking chicken shit would work at a store, but because I'm just in a hurry to get the hell out of there.
Originally posted by riflearm2:

Originally posted by wisemaniac:

And not because I don't think racism is alive
& well in this country (especially the Northeast)
stay clueless.
Yeah, I'm the one that's clueless about geographical racism. I guess all those protests in northern cities are because the cops aren't racist enough...

Bill Burr had a great line in his recent Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee interview - "Boston is like a racist San Francisco." Know why that's funny, rifle? Because it's true.
Originally posted by Walden Pond:
I think she looks like a gorilla, but I agree about being pissed off at the store. I've had people think I work there and it sucks. Not because I'm offended that they think a white dork loser looking chicken shit would work at a store, but because I'm just in a hurry to get the hell out of there.
Same thing has happened to me, once at Target and once at the Family Dollar. I need to stop going to stores in my shirt and tie right after work.
It happens to me every now and then. I usually just help the people. I have helped people try on shoes at Dicks Sporting Goods. I have helped in the hardware aisle at Home Depot. Helped sell a washer and dryer at Lowes.
I was asked to help three people at wal mart today. I thought I was white, am
I actually black?
Originally posted by wisemaniac:

During a recent People
magazine interview,
the pièce de ré·sis·tance of the interview was a comment the 5'11"
Michelle made about a time she was shopping in Target in 2011. She said
someone asked her to help get something off of a high shelf. Can you believe the stones on that woman to
ask Michelle for help with something out of her reach? Cause that's blatant racism, or
something. Short people are such
It wasn't RACISM back in 2011 on Letterman. Her she is on that show describing the RACIST SCENE......what a hypocrite!

Race Hustler or Good Samaritan?
Originally posted by HFF-SLTX: It wasn't RACISM back in 2011 on Letterman. Her she is on that show describing the RACIST SCENE......what a hypocrite!
im not sure you understand the meaning of "hypocrite."

could she be guilty of trying to find racism in something that wasnt racist? sure. could she be guilty of exaggerating something? sure. but, how is she being hypocritical for sharing a story without mentioning her belief that it had a racist tone, then sharing the same story and identifying the racism in it? hypocrite? that makes no sense in that.
I'm 6'4 and I have been asked to reach things off shelves since junior high. Racism, pure and simple. That, and I'm taller than most people.
Originally posted by big_country90:
I'm 6'4 and I have been asked to reach things off shelves since junior high. Racism, pure and simple. That, and I'm taller than most people.
Height is a race?
Originally posted by riflearm2:

Originally posted by HFF-SLTX: It wasn't RACISM back in 2011 on Letterman. Her she is on that show describing the RACIST SCENE......what a hypocrite!
im not sure you understand the meaning of "hypocrite."

could she be guilty of trying to find racism in something that wasnt racist? sure. could she be guilty of exaggerating something? sure. but, how is she being hypocritical for sharing a story without mentioning her belief that it had a racist tone, then sharing the same story and identifying the racism in it? hypocrite? that makes no sense in that.
She's a race baiter. Does that work better for you?