@MichiganHerd GITT


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 12, 2007
@MichiganHerd what's on tap for the weekend? college is getting started back up so there should be hells of co-eds to go out to the local brew-pubs and salivate over. taking the wife or make her sit those trips out? sure you'll need a driver, or you just concentrate on the white lines coming home?

@mlblack16. said he was going to sit in the closet and watch some big black buck from out Wayne rail his wife while he listened the marshall game on the a.m. station.

I've gotta screw run cattle in the morning then probably go to the local watering hole and suck down 8 or 10 24 ounce ultras and watch the mountaineers, like mlblack, get cucked.
@MichiganHerd what's on tap for the weekend? college is getting started back up so there should be hells of co-eds to go out to the local brew-pubs and salivate over. taking the wife or make her sit those trips out? sure you'll need a driver, or you just concentrate on the white lines coming home?

@mlblack16. said he was going to sit in the closet and watch some big black buck from out Wayne rail his wife while he listened the marshall game on the a.m. station.

I've gotta screw run cattle in the morning then probably go to the local watering hole and suck down 8 or 10 24 ounce ultras and watch the mountaineers, like mlblack, get cucked.

You jerk, the Marshall game will be streaming on Facebook, and Wi-Fi will still reach the closet.
Actually, I wouldn't mind having lunch at one of the Messican restaurants before our game to slam the big fishbowl Dos Equis Amber drafts. Say what you want, but it's cheap and works all the same.
Actually, I wouldn't mind having lunch at one of the Messican restaurants before our game to slam the big fishbowl Dos Equis Amber drafts. Say what you want, but it's cheap and works all the same.
we use to hit up mario's fishbowl before every noon game. fish bowls full of beer and omelets. that's what's for breakfast.
greed says I need to get right with the lord, so after work, I'm going to pound a 12 pack (cans, not my usual bottles). Gonna tie a couple cans together, and pound them on my bar and have a speak with Jesus. he says I need to get my ticket punched to heaven so I can argue with him up yonder after we're dead.