I can't find any negative comments from him on Twitter today. Where are said comments?
It's because there arent any negative comments only truthful comments. Everything he said is true.
Guys I said beginning of season we were young , and that hurts , but devision has crept onto this team , those 2 things are hurting us badly.
Still I'll take Marshall football any day of over any other program. It's my school and if he don't win at least we aren't a national embarrassment burning couches and beating expectant mother's in a drunken rage over losing or beating Rutgers or something.
He is right 3 great 10 win seasons and we are down this year. Chill out its going to improve.
The people MH is talking about are the old fogies of Huntington who treat Marshall as some kind of public utiltiy. They EXPECT MU to be great in sports and great in academics, but have never given 10 cents to either the Big Green of the Foundation. These are the people that bitch and whine because a game is scheduled opposite some midget league game or say its too cold or too hot or don't like beer or blah, blah, blah, on and on.
Fact is we have, I would guess, I really don't know, maybe 30K unsold tickets between our remaining 2 games. And no real reason to buy one because the aftermarket is selling them below value. That is a big hole in our budget. And the stated goal in basketball is to be "pretty good, maybe finish 3rd or 4th". That does not really move the box office over there either.
And we have the self appointed out there wanting to fire a coach that has had 3 10 win season in the last 4 years. And we have the self appointed out there that want to join the MAC, or this THE AMERICAN!!!!!!!!! non-thing, or go back to I-AA. And we have the self-appointed out there, most of whom could not diagram a basic pass play, that have all sorts of coaching advice. And, worst of all, the delusional and self-appointed out there that think that all you have to do is pull a van up in Miami with Marshall on the side and watch the fight and let whoever wins get on.
We are having a CRAP year. Next year does not look much better, AND MH has no home step-up game to sell. Basketball is attempting to be "pretty good, not bad, maybe 3rd". The state is cutting the academic budget to the core and the war on coal is going to make today look like the good ole days 2 or 3 years from now. Give to the BG and the Foundation anyway. Come to the games anyway.
Go Herd.
Why does he even care?
Yeah, I get that. But, I am glad he cares enough to come out to his public radio program and talk to people. Contrast to the POS, Satan's Vile Servant, KO Marcum, who ran off our best coach ever, hired a compliance director who had never read the rule book he was supposed to enforce and got us on probation (and was a homosexual who propositoned recruits and regular students some of which were probably underage), and who put up with making a token effort at basketball. And the only public statement he ever made was to LIE when the IPF money just disappeared AFTER constuction had been announced. And whose basic method was to get all buddied up with Marshall Reynolds and four or five other big donors and to hell with every body else. Or Lee Moon who totally alienated the basketball fanbase.
MH bleeds green more than anybody I know. He loves this school and left a better job in a better place to come here. He has acomplished many good things. IPF. Soccer stadium. Luxury box expansion. Modern scoreboard. Given time, if the bottom does not fall completly out due to the war on coal, he will get a solid upgrade to the stadium (I hear total redo of the restrooms, rework of the whole under the stands area to accomodate beer thoughout the stadium, and eventual land purchases around the stadium to bring all the parking $$ in-house, people do not realize how much of a disadvantage the fact that parking $$ are lost to mom and pop; and, yes, eventually something for baseball.)
MH has the balls to come out and say what he thinks, on this "social media" and on the radio. He will sit and talk to individual people. I am nobody and he will talk to me.
I will take that over KO or Moon any day.
I don't see much wrong with what he said, maybe he coulda clarified more of who he was referring to, but I took it as people who never pay a nickel to see a game or donate etc.
So by those sentiments, I can't say the Reds suck if I don't buy a ticket and attend a game at Great America
Of course you can , the REDS DO SUCK!
Lol! Go Braves! GO Herd!