Modern Conservatism and Me

This points to what I said the other day, that Trump supporters were also sick of filthy rich people:

I take it that the support for Donald Trump came from many corners from our polity — the kind of Rust Belt places where I live in South Bend, Indiana, and the more rural areas of the country because of a sense that the expectation of relative stability, the expectation that families would be places of stability and ongoing life over generations — that all that has been upended by a whole set of both economic and political forces that have not served this part of our population very well. In my essay, when I describe these as the “losers” of our economic and political system, the reaction of this part of the population was not in some senses to restore something that in some ways had been lost, as much as I think that longing was there, as it was to sort of attack those they had seen who were benefiting from what they saw was a rigged system. A system that was benefiting those who were living in the elite cities in the Northeast and the West Coast. In this sense, we might attribute it to nostalgia, but I think it was at least as much a form of hostility as it was any kind of appeal to restoration or a return to normalcy.

I started off with his linked essay, so I am still reading...
I'll read it Keep. But not tonight. Ball game and all.

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