A couple of weeks after the move to the new board, I started noticing that this website would automatically push open my App Store to different apps. Almost all of them are casino style apps where people can pay to play casino games, though there are some other apps that come up like words with friends.
It continued to get worse and worse. Out of all of the websites I read on my phone and iPad, this and a local newspaper are the only two that it happens. It's to the point now where it pushes open the App Store about 50% of the time. Then, when you go and open up the thread again, it continues to do it.
Everything I have read has said that the advertisers do it on purpose after figuring out how the host website is set up. They all say that the website needs to change how their layout is and what they allow with the ads. I've tried some of the recommendations (changing privacy settings, turning off ad tracker in settings, etc.), but nothing works.
I can't imagine I'm the only one having the issue.
It continued to get worse and worse. Out of all of the websites I read on my phone and iPad, this and a local newspaper are the only two that it happens. It's to the point now where it pushes open the App Store about 50% of the time. Then, when you go and open up the thread again, it continues to do it.
Everything I have read has said that the advertisers do it on purpose after figuring out how the host website is set up. They all say that the website needs to change how their layout is and what they allow with the ads. I've tried some of the recommendations (changing privacy settings, turning off ad tracker in settings, etc.), but nothing works.
I can't imagine I'm the only one having the issue.