You're arguing just to be arguing, damn near greed-like at this point.
NBA ratings have been in a steady decline for the last three years.
NBA ratings for this post season are the worst they've ever been in the modern era.
You may say it's due mostly to more competition from other sports, but I say it's due to most people not wanting to see AHB league becoming over 'woke', actually going well overboard. Also, don't forget that they went on strike for a game or two, due to the felon in Kenosha getting rightfully shot by the police, due to irrational behavior, including getting the ole stun gun, wrestling/fighting with the cops on the sidewalk, and then running to his car and reaching into the floor board. Lebron had to play make believe King once again, and walked out of a players meeting like a baby, just as he did when walking off the court after Game 3, with time still remaining on the clock. People have tuned out, and rightfully so. But yeah, you go ahead and blame it on the Mets-Phillies game, and maybe you may be able to convince greed to agree with you. I won't though.