More bad news for the FBI.

Well, he is an idiot
^^^still trying to find someone stupider than himself. His intelligence level...

It's not a big deal compared to the millions of such queries under your orange Jesus in 2017.
Any abuse under any administration is terrifying and should be condemned.

You still don't get it. It's not just one party we're concerned about. The weaponization of governmental agencies against anyone is improper.

The function of the FBI and federal law enforcement is to investigate and prevent crime - NOT to manufacture evidence and look for crimes where none have occurred.
Any abuse under any administration is terrifying and should be condemned.

You still don't get it. It's not just one party we're concerned about. The weaponization of governmental agencies against anyone is improper.

The function of the FBI and federal law enforcement is to investigate and prevent crime - NOT to manufacture evidence and look for crimes where none have occurred.
It's crazy dems whine about fascism while openly embracing it & losing their shit when you point out their hypocrisy out to them.
As a follow-up to conservatives' concerns related to the Patriot Act...

Who would have thunk that??? Certainly not many liberals... Now who are the real fascists???
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Dems love the FBI going after their political opponents. They love it. They actually see it is as justified if it helps them win.
Yeah, right. Was this mentioned as a problem (other than Carter Page) one time by you and your fellow republicans before that investigation?
Did anyone know the FBI was falsifying info to judges and/or abusing it before then, you fvcking idiot?
You lying idiot.

Republicans approve of Patriot Act 65%
Dems 25%

Republicans 57%
Dems 35%

You intimate that ALL Republicans are in favor of the Patriot Act. There has always been opposition to that from the Right, including me. The point was, and is, liberals are embracing it more and conservatives are embracing it less.

It's not a lie and it is the truth, just as you unwittingly proved with your post. What about today?

"Independents and Republicans oppose a new Patriot Act, with 52% of Independents (18% somewhat and 34% strongly) and 68% of Republicans (22% somewhat and 46% strongly) not in favor of this idea. Only 21% of Independents (13% somewhat and 8% strongly) and 26% of Republicans (16% somewhat and 10% strongly) support passing this bill. Democrats, on the other hand, are equally divided on this issue. 44% of Democrats (24% somewhat and 20% strongly) support a new Patriot Act, while 44% of Democrats (22% somewhat and 22% strongly) oppose it."

The New Republic is hardly a right-wing source...

Remember what I said about discernment? You really need to work on that...
You intimate that ALL Republicans are in favor of the Patriot Act
Really? Where.
The point was, and is, liberals are embracing it more and conservatives are embracing it less.
My guess it has NOTHING to do with...
On January 6th, right-wing extremists stormed the Capitol building to stop the democratic process of certifying President Biden’s victory and overturn the November election results.
It's not a lie
Yeah it is..."While more Democrats and independents agree the act is necessary in the war on terror, Republican support has dropped 8 percentage points."
Remember what I said about discernment? You really need to work on that...
Hard to forget your stupidity.

Remember what I said about trying to justify yourself by using the Old Law?
Remember what I said about trying to justify yourself by using the Old Law?


Galatians 5:22-23

King James Version​

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

On January 6th, right-wing extremists stormed the Capitol building

The FBI are right-wing extremists???
Galatians 5:22-23

King James Version
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

he is either too dense

You're looking more stupid

intelligence is hard for you

you are dumber

you're an idiot

you'll just keep doubling down on being stupid

You're looking pathetic

Typical brain dead hypocritical liberal

I think you've got that backasswards but I've heard you like it that way.

you single-minded simpleton?

You keep showing that you are an idiot

Lying hypocrite idiot.

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