more bad news for trump

It sure would have been helpful if that trend had started in 2010 and continued up to now. Oh well.
It sure would have been helpful if that trend had started in 2010 and continued up to now. Oh well.
according to crying libs, the stock market was going to crash along with the economy and everything else after he was elected. yet, here we are, all time records being set. you'd rather everything crash if it made him look bad, though. party over country. you libs really are disgusting pieces of trash.
according to crying libs, the stock market was going to crash along with the economy and everything else after he was elected. yet, here we are, all time records being set. you'd rather everything crash if it made him look bad, though. party over country. you libs really are disgusting pieces of trash.

This same economy was the slowest recovery ever, and the labor force participation rate was the real indicator of the economy according to you conservative disgusting pieces of trash.
Wv fan

Cant believe you thought I was a liberal

A lot of winning going on with trump!
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No wall.
Huge budget deficit.
Big time national debt.
Less job creation.
Same labor force participation rate.
Little to no real wage increase.
Longest shut down in U S history.
cheetos slapped down by an old democrat woman.

you better define deficit versus debt for the dumber libs before they chime in and make themselves look as foolish as we know them to be. isn't the correct, @countryroads89

And then explain to this^^^poster how regulations that were not removed helped his family metal fab shop increase their income.
And then explain to this^^^poster how regulations that were not removed helped his family metal fab shop increase their income.
you still asshurt over the fact that my bro's business, as well as millions of other small businesses across the nation have thrived under trump's leadership? or, is it because yours hasn't? at any rate, the reasoning behind my bros business taking off in 2017 very much did have to do with what trump had indicated he was going to do and had done in the early part of 2017 when it came to coal fired power plants. we know the below was huge in the company picking up a ton of work in various power plants throughout the mid atlantic and mid west regions. expansion joint installation in both coal fired plants and gas turbine systems took off and the company has thrived since.

On April 25, 2017, the Trump Administration halted, indefinitely, certain compliance deadlines in the 2015 Steam Electric Effluent Limitations Guidelines (“ELG”) Rule, which set, for the first time, limits on toxic water pollution from coal-fired power plants.

was this the sole reasoning behind the business taking off like it did? no. however, with a president slashing regulations across the board, this was just one of many regulations done away with that caused confidence in the future of power plants at that time to rise which directly correlates to businesses such as his taking off as they did.

now, i'd tell you to stfu about it, but you won't. you'll bring it up again and again because you're too damn stupid to understand this. so, when you do bring it up again and again, simply link yourself back to this response.
That's so sweet. Your example is that of postponing a regulation that hadn't gone into effect. Thanks for making my point.
That's so sweet. Your example is that of postponing a regulation that hadn't gone into effect. Thanks for making my point.
you're too stupid to get the point behind what was posted. if you think the outlook of what was to come, whether it did or didn't, didn't have anything to do with business in that sector taking off, you're really dumber than most here ever thought.
you're too stupid to get the point behind what was posted. if you think the outlook of what was to come, whether it did or didn't, didn't have anything to do with business in that sector taking off, you're really dumber than most here ever thought.

You're too stupid to realize Cheetos had NOTHING to do with it.
let me guess . . . obummer!!!

I've already told you several times that most, if not all, of the slight uptick in coal demand came from Australia's inability to meet demand for coal due to their coal infrastructure being damaged by storms. Sit back and watch that uptick disappear in the near future.
@WV-FAN haven't you learned by now? If something positive is happening in the US, it was all thanks to Hussein Obama. If it's anything bad, negative, whatever, it's 100% Trump.
@WV-FAN haven't you learned by now? If something positive is happening in the US, it was all thanks to Hussein Obama. If it's anything bad, negative, whatever, it's 100% Trump.
@WV-FAN haven't you learned by now? If something positive is happening in the US, it was all thanks to Hussein Obama. If it's anything bad, negative, whatever, it's 100% Trump.

It's just that a certain moron posts in June of 2017 that their family metal fabrication shop is having a great year to date because of deregulations that hadnt yet been deregulated. In this current thread he.posts a particular deregulation for that year to date he mentioned in June of 2017. He's just ignorant of the fact that the regulation he's talking about wasn't announced as postponed until August of 2017.
It's just that a certain moron posts in June of 2017 that their family metal fabrication shop is having a great year to date because of deregulations that hadnt yet been deregulated. In this current thread he.posts a particular deregulation for that year to date he mentioned in June of 2017. He's just ignorant of the fact that the regulation he's talking about wasn't announced as postponed until August of 2017.
note, the date of the article

and, again, it wasn't necessarily about when it happened, it was that it was going to happen, which caused the uptick in business. you really are too stupid to understand that. no wonder you're a small business failure who had to resort to the teachings of some nut who went bankrupt only to turn his product into a religion in order to solve your blood pressure issues.
note, the date of the article

That's a different regulation than what we are talking about in this thread, and the key provisions in THAT regulation (stream protection rule) affected coal companies seeking permits to expand or start new mines in the future. So, no, that one didn't help you either. That's 2 regulations you've attributed to that fantastic year to date revival of your family metal fab shop. The one mentioned earlier in this thread wasn't announced until after your original July 2017 claim about the shop's economy. Would you like to mention some more regulations that caused that wonderful improvement in the metal fab shop that hadn't occurred???
That's a different regulation than what we are talking about in this thread
more than one? Impossible, you blundering inbred idiot. How did that ever happen? You said there was none!
the key provisions in THAT regulation (stream protection rule) affected coal companies seeking permits to expand or start new mines in the future.
key word: future . . . which would be why there was a positive outlook for that sector.
That's a different regulation than what we are talking about in this thread, and the key provisions in THAT regulation (stream protection rule) affected coal companies seeking permits to expand or start new mines in the future...... That's 2 regulations you've attributed to that fantastic year to date revival of your family metal fab shop.
so what, you retarded geriatric xenu worshipping faggit. one or ten, my point's proven.... just like the top and bottom lines.
Would you like to mention some more regulations that caused that wonderful improvement in the metal fab shop that hadn't occurred???
no, because everything I've posted regarding the subject it truth. What I would like to post though is that you're obviously one jealous old no good son of a bitch who will never amount to a pinch of shit because you suck at business and you suck at life. and, there's no number of gods you can worship that will ever change that.

you really are as stupid as everybody who posts here "believes"..... even if they're "not required to believe it."
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more than one? Impossible, you blundering fvcking inbred idiot. How did that ever happen? You said there was none!
key word: future . . . which would be why there was a positive outlook for that sector.
so what, you retarded geriatric xenu worshipping faggit.

you really are as fvcking stupid as everybody who posts here "believes"..... even if they're "not required to believe it." It's the same damn regulation.
no, because everything I've posted regarding the subject it truth. What I would like to post though is that you're obviously one jealous old no good son of a bitch who will never amount to a pinch of shit because you suck at business and you suck at life. and, there's no number of gods you can worship that will ever change that.

In other words, you're wrong. The regulations had little, IF ANYTHING, to do with your family's metal fab shop doing better, IF they did better. I suspect you've been lying about it to begin with.
In other words, you're wrong. The regulations had little, IF ANYTHING, to do with your family's metal fab shop doing better, IF they did better. I suspect you've been lying about it to begin with.
such a pathetic jealous little man.