man i am sure glad the cons are on top of this. this is some big stuff.
things we really need to know about. great job cons.
100000 soldiers and marines killed and maimed needlessly in iraq - cons say - no problem they got paid didnt they
three trillion $$ pissed away in iraq cons say - we built some nice schools there - money well spent.
1600 americans drown in a major u.s. city - you did a heckova a job there brownie and bushie - not a peep out of cons other than to try to deflect blame.
hill's email's a huge deal lets get to the bottom of that top secret gefilte fish top secret email and
that top secret email about chelsea being concerned about haiti earthquake cleanup.
wouldn't it have been nice if bush and conservatives cared as much about getting our fathers and sons killed and permanently maimed for no good reason. 3 trillion $$ pissed, away or the 1600 who drowned in n.o. 1/5 as much aschelsea did about earth quake victims in haiti.
atta boy cons your doing your usual politics at all costs and to hell with america best.
things we really need to know about. great job cons.
100000 soldiers and marines killed and maimed needlessly in iraq - cons say - no problem they got paid didnt they
three trillion $$ pissed away in iraq cons say - we built some nice schools there - money well spent.
1600 americans drown in a major u.s. city - you did a heckova a job there brownie and bushie - not a peep out of cons other than to try to deflect blame.
hill's email's a huge deal lets get to the bottom of that top secret gefilte fish top secret email and
that top secret email about chelsea being concerned about haiti earthquake cleanup.
wouldn't it have been nice if bush and conservatives cared as much about getting our fathers and sons killed and permanently maimed for no good reason. 3 trillion $$ pissed, away or the 1600 who drowned in n.o. 1/5 as much aschelsea did about earth quake victims in haiti.
atta boy cons your doing your usual politics at all costs and to hell with america best.
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